Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb past] out " in BNC.

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1 THIS ALBUM 'S predecessor , ‘ The Psychedelic Years ’ , was possibly the best compilation album ever , in the sense that it contained the best songs by the best bands in its field of reference ; in fact , it seemed to have all the good songs that came out of psychedelia ( It also had The Incredible String Band , but presumably only as a sorbet to clear the palate .
2 We left Bilen on the morning of 9 December and camped five hours later in thick bush on the edge of a swamp that extended out of sight along the river .
3 The history of conflict between the peoples of this region over the centuries was interpenetrated by episodes in which it was subject to the imperial development of Rome , Macedon , Byzantium and the various peoples that streamed out of Central Asia into Persia and beyond .
4 If only more leading Bolsheviks had left their ivory tower in the Kremlin in early NEP in order to examine Russia at first hand , as Yakovlev did , the reifications that poured out from their pens and mouths might not have succeeded in obscuring the realities of actual life in the 1920s .
5 The computer , to cite another example , required no fewer than six separate strands of knowledge : binary arithmetic ; Charles Babbage 's conception of a calculating machine in the first half of the nineteenth century ; the punch card , invented by Herman Hollerith for the US census of 1890 ; the audion tube , an electronic switch invented in 1906 ; symbolic logic , which was created between 1910 and 1913 by Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead ; and the concepts of programming and feedback that came out of abortive attempts during World War I to develop effective anti-aircraft guns .
6 There the Shah worked in a large salon that looked out through tall windows on to the city below .
7 Iskandara took her hands away from her face and glared at her daughter with the same light , bright aqua-marine eyes that looked out from her mother 's portrait .
8 They would all be troglodytes before the war was over , thought Lucinda , with eyes that stood out on little stalks .
9 A splattering of gigs in London actually dragged the journalists that mattered out of their ivory towers .
10 I have n't seen the draft guidelines that came out yesterday for the registration of nursing homes but I understand that they do n't actually address these issues .
11 Enter Jeff Bridges , family man , scientist … and the warped mind that carried out the abduction .
12 Enter Jeff Bridges , family man , scientist … and the warped mind that carried out the abduction .
13 The purpose of this wing was to test aircraft that came out after a form of garage servicing ; this was before the garage system introduced by Bennett in the earlier days of Pathfinding at RAF Wyton .
14 The Bay had a square , two pubs , a promenade walk overlooked by three medium-sized Victorian hotels , and a restaurant with a terrace that stood out over the water .
15 Not as I remember no funnily enough but they used to have people who , who went out to work at different airports after the planes had gone out they used to have gangs that went out to Perton and er we used to draw equipment from er the maintenance un RAF maintenance unit at Stafford things used to come from there .
16 He let his dark eyes drift over her sodden figure , over the T-shirt , now quite transparent , which clung to her wetly , displaying a pair of nipples that stuck out like doorknobs .
17 But the croak that came out of his parched throat was hardly recognisable .
18 Then , when Uncle Guy arrived from Dublin he brought them a present , an enormous box of chocolates which was made like a chest or jewel box with trays that pulled out like small drawers , containing different foil-wrapped shapes .
19 Books that set out to give advice to management never fail to point out that a " no " decision is not at all the same thing as failure to make a decision .
20 The car that ran out of petrol on 31 July 1964 was a six-cylinder Rover belonging to Commander Molland , Richard and Kate 's grandfather .
21 Four women were injured when they were hit by a car that went out of control .
22 but they can come and go , I mean the year four they lost two teachers in the last two weeks cos their husbands got other jobs and the contracts were just terminated and , so it 's quite a , a moveable circle of people , er , but just , they have actually sacked one of the lads that came out with us , they wo n't be renewing his contract next year , he only had a two year contract
23 Yeah it was the two training aspects that came out of that meeting one was
24 I opened my mouth but the words that came out were not mine .
25 All around him , not only on the huge main trunk of the tree but also on all the big branches that grew out of it , other tiny windows were opening and tiny faces were peering out .
26 He stood silhouetted in the soft light that flowed out of the room and silently toasted me .
27 So had the warm gushing blood that streamed out of her body , taking her life with it .
28 The only figure that stood out was Rafiq .
29 Scientists have studied how the cloud of electrons , protons and neutrons that came out of the big bang would have coalesced to make nuclei and atoms ; their studies correctly predict the proportion of various chemical elements in the universe .
30 Remember the riot that broke out at Leeds towards the end of the 1970-71 season when Ray Tinkler allowed a West Bromwich goal to stand , ruling that Colin Suggett , standing offside when the attack crossed the halfway line , had not been interfering with play .
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