Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] did " in BNC.

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1 At the end , Slim is the only one who understands how difficult it is for George to take the action that he did , and also why he did it .
2 as questions lead to shouting and then crawling back to his Then a little bit about language and an experiment that they did .
3 ‘ The fact that the Department had , in effect , advised the partnership that it did not need a licence made it difficult for the Department to point a finger of blame at them , ’ says Sir Anthony .
4 Carvajal resigned on March 12 , informing the President that he did so in order to protect " the image of the nation , its people and the police , whose reputation is being soiled by sinister interests " .
5 His wife , Elizabeth , has told Mollie that they did not really get the view that it was coming their way until the next week ; but , in fact , it was .
6 You 're talking about all sorts of geography that I did n't study at school .
7 " CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point , but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or who might not be handed over to the Russians or Partisans to be shot . "
8 CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or might not be turned over to the Russians and Partisans to be shot .
9 Before I became involved in business , I really had very few goals — with the result that I did n't get very far .
10 But I could see from the look in his eyes that he did not believe me .
11 Looking at Winnie , who , it might be , closed her eyes that she did not see his teeth .
12 There was an expression in his blue eyes that she did not completely understand , ant so she lifted one eyebrow .
13 Erm for what it 's worth , I 'll give you my suggestions about what we should do as far as ticket prices are concerned er , having taken in a view of the most important factor of the treasurer 's comments but also bearing in mind that we did have high recurring expenses this year , which wo n't apply in future and we 're not here to make money .
14 It is in my mind that they did not want to kill me , but Isay was left to face them alone .
15 Except that there was the very disturbing thought lodged somewhere in her mind that she did n't want it to be harmless .
16 At a meeting at the end of 1989 between Navan Resources and the islanders , the company were told by the islanders that they did not want gold mining .
17 She 's punishing Andrew for marrying Virginia , even though it was her own fault that he did so . "
18 When the author of the Life of Edward the Confessor says that he trusted the cause of God to his bishops , and ordered secular judges to act fairly , so that honesty could have royal support and evil its just condemnation , this may be an indication that someone did for Edward what Wulfstan had done for Æthelred and Cnut .
19 MacDonald 's reply , that he did not share that belief , is , again , an indication that he did not wish to remain as Prime Minister if his government collapsed .
20 Or the nineteen thirties book is like one of the things that really inspired me because it showed me that you can do type that looks as though , I mean it can be composed as though in metal and not be boring — can not be , manufactured , you know hum drum , by varying the weights and by massing it , and also one of the things they do , that you see in those books that you did n't see in printing , was this size of type .
21 There 's a few things we need from the shops that I did n't get yesterday .
22 There was Bea 's beautifully preserved E-type , not a scratch on it , Jill 's Audi , Susie 's B.M.W. , Alice 's Saab Turbo , Ronnie 's Metro Vanden Plas , and one car that he did not recognise , a Fiat 127 with an A registration .
23 Did you see our grotesque that we did ?
24 She gave such an unpleasant laugh with these last words that I did n't know what to say , and as I left the house I felt even more miserable .
25 Even under such circumstances , he was not a person to blurt out words that he did not mean .
26 No I said erm I had a conversation with Gillian about reading , about little bits of reading and , I made the point that we 'd said last night about him barking at print , reading through words that he did n't know and not asking what they were and she said she 'd noticed that .
27 There was not a herb or flowering plant of any sort to be met on our walks that he did not know , and hardly one that was not invaluable as a remedy for some complaint .
28 In the dark he cut across the grass by the tractor-shed , then back behind a row of buildings where there was an old cow-byre that they did n't use any more except for storing stuff .
29 The affidavit evidence of the defendants is to the effect that they did not understand that executing a further charge was prohibited by the order .
30 I wrote to the effect that I did indeed look forward to life with him , and that my guidelines for living were the same as his .
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