Example sentences of "[noun] he had find " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No wonder no one knew about him ! ’ the sergeant exclaimed as he studied the identity card he had found in the man 's wallet .
2 Since his second stroke he had found the effort of conversation hardly worth the meagre rewards .
3 Trent 's thoughts went back to the photograph he had found on Don Roberto 's piano .
4 Time passed and the afternoon light began to fade and Creggan was just beginning to think that he might go back to the carrion he had found before the incoming tide took it , when he saw movement from shadows far below , and the opening of great wings .
5 They include frequent recommendations of new books he had found , and much comment on painters he had come across .
6 Lorton glanced over his shoulder and let himself into the flat with the key he had found on Celia 's mantelpiece .
7 He understood what she meant about Slorne because as the days and weeks had grown into months he had found great comfort in her strange and silent presence .
8 The Baudelaire in whose work he had found at Harvard both the city and the savage now acted as his guide ; blasphemy led to and joined belief .
9 After fifteen minutes ' work he had found nothing of interest .
10 He had brought along several exhibits , including a portrait of Darwin he had found in a junk shop and an assortment of feathers and fossils that the children were passing from hand to hand .
11 His hair was tied back with a piece of tinsel string he had found in the Christmas decorations box .
12 After much of the previous evidence had been repeated , Professor Tidy , a police forensic expert , stated that after detailed examination he had found human blood on all three of the Tidburys ' clothing .
13 In the beginning he had found Maud appealing , and on their wedding day he had really believed that he loved her , but ambition had clouded his vision .
14 David Arthur , 18 , of Blackstoun Avenue , Linwood , Renfrewshire , claimed during a trial that he had lashed out at the victim , Greig Mooney , 18 , with a broken umbrella he had found discarded in the street .
15 On one occasion he had found a sheep 's head jammed between some of the stones .
16 As a Greek and Latin scholar he had found them described in the works of ancient authors who wrote about the moods , emotions and actions of all the actors involved in their dramas .
17 One night he had found himself chuckling at the merry escapades of Mr Pickwick ; another night he had wept uncontrollably at the death of Little Nell .
18 While they ate Travis examined the fishing tackle he had found .
19 Then he slowly held up the object he had carried from the car — the object he had found in the gas station .
20 Citrine insisted that the departmental chief officers met with his full-time colleagues on the Authority weekly , encouraging the officers to comment on general policy matters rather than confining their comments to their own specialisms : a method he had found worked well at the TUC .
21 On Jan. 16 , Yeltsin reported to the Supreme Soviet that on his recent tour of the country to find out the effects of price liberalization he had found that local officials were not implementing government measures for social protection and that producers ' profit margins were too high .
22 He turned to look at her , marvelling at the perfection of her body and the animal passion he had found in her .
23 For a moment , the Doctor toyed lightly with the simularity crystal he had found while looking at the blood on the floor .
24 Soon all my master 's neighbours were talking about the strange little creature he had found in a field .
25 After two major operations , Gloria could no longer have children , but one day Saul brought home a baby he had found abandoned on the mud-flats at low tide .
26 He had grown up with the impression that women 's motives were suspect , and so when Tom Rooney had given him advice he had found it so easy to believe , because it was what — subconsciously — he expected .
27 He explained that all the answers he had found were in odd numbered positions in the sequence .
28 Every time Endill entered the library it was difficult not to let slip to Mr Crangle he had found the Bookman .
29 ‘ Well , ’ Athelstan pulled from his wallet the buckle he had found on the frozen moat , ‘ I believe this is yours .
30 It later transpired that in the days immediately preceding the budget he had found time to eat only once — a poached egg at the Lyons Corner House which was then opposite the House of Commons .
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