Example sentences of "[noun] for many [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jerry refuses with zest ; he has obviously been springing to his own defence for many a long year .
2 That was in 1980 , and over the last eleven years Tony Bowran 's studio has produced a continuous output of consistently high quality creative photography for many a major advertising campaign .
3 ‘ Wandering ’ lodes have spelt misery and heartbreak For many a Cornish miner .
4 Retail sales fell by 1.3% in January , despite some of the biggest price-cuts in the shops for many a decade .
5 For his part , Gould has voiced a degree of scepticism about Europe that has not been heard from a Labour frontbencher for many a long year , and has rescued ‘ devaluation ’ from the party 's dictionary of forbidden words .
6 Standing at the corner of Great Tower Street and Seething Lane , in the very shadow of the Tower of London , All Hallows must have been as impressive a building then as it is today : one of the oldest parish churches in the City , it has always had close links with the Tower itself , and was used as a place of burial for many an unfortunate wretch executed on the nearby scaffold .
7 With her extended white cloud of frizzed hair she has been a constant , if sometimes startling , presence in the New York underground art scene for many a year .
8 This is the harshest February for many a long year .
9 This was fortunate for the Hearts forward Ian Ferguson who was as surprised as anyone to remain on the field after flooring Gus Caesar with as good a right hook as has been seen this side of Madison Square Gardens for many a long day .
10 Completing the season is Fireman Sam ( April 20–25 ) a must for many a pre-schooler who follows the tales on the television series of Pontypandy and its fire station .
11 In the heart of the Pennines , Skipton ( Table 2.9 ) , traditionally the centre of Craven , was the only place for many a mile recognisable as a town in any real sense ; its population can not have reached 500 .
12 And our reporters had an eye for many a shaggy dog story .
13 The American B17 Flying Fortress proved a death trap for many a brave flier .
14 Nearby , Quickstep , a pleasant VS 4b , lacks the stature of its more imposing neighbours but has the rock and the moves to prove more than a match for many a celebrated limestone VS .
15 The Sea Life Centre is the perfect venue for many a special occasion .
16 No wonder the film won a standing ovation at the Berlin Film Festival : it is one of the best Spanish films for many a year . ’
17 Instead , we shall zoom in on the ‘ new boys ’ two of which are far from new and have not seen the light of day for many a long year .
18 As the night progressed many old friendships were rekindled and new ones formed with ‘ cross fertilisation ’ seeming to be the order of the day for many a member !
19 His musical ability — and he was entirely self-taught — enlivened the dale for many a year and even reached the ears of the outside world when he was talent-spotted by the BBC .
20 Glancing at the ‘ who duz wot ’ bit has been my wont for many an aeon , I spotted an absence .
21 For some eight years he opened the innings for Hampshire with the great Barry Richards , a daunting prospect for many a young bowler hoping to establish himself — and many an older one who already had .
22 It was one of the best games between the North-East rivals for many a year and the 25,093 fans applauded both teams off the field after a nailbiting battle which hardly included a dull moment .
23 Been part of my mental baggage for many a year . ’
24 Without doubt this is the best for the Shrewsbury - Aberystwyth line for many a long year .
25 It has been the starting-point for many a vintage Sherlock Holmes adventure — ‘ London Bridge Station , cabby , and do n't spare the horses ’ .
26 When they finally moved out their successors found the floor covered with six layers of linoleum — the bottom ones must have been in position for many a long year !
27 The tell-tale clue for many a predator is the circular eye of its prey .
28 I thought , ‘ this will make the carrying of the tea to the remaining resident members of my family an uncommonly pleasant event , because they will all smile upon me instead of producing the customary resentful grunt when I stir them from sleep , and they will say ‘ Good morning , dear husband/father ( as the case might be ) , and they will reach under their beds for the gift-wrapped goodies so lovingly prepared and concealed the night before , and handing me their tributes they will voice their gratitude to God that I have survived so far , and will express the pious hope that they may be able to repeat such sentiments on this same date for many a year to come .
29 One passionate advocate of appraisals is Canon Hardaker , whose lucid guidelines should be compulsory reading for many a line manager .
30 No more letters for many a year now from Miss Mitford , none from Miss Trepsack , none from Mrs Jameson , who had always been so kind to her .
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