Example sentences of "[noun] for such [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many larger houses were being split up into ‘ so-called flats ’ , and he called for protection for such families .
2 Finally , copyright protection of electronic databases was considered , since legal protection for such databases is of critical importance for the continued growth of this market .
3 Government offered a 50 per cent grant for such work , which remained in force after the War .
4 The relatively low percentage of graduates from such courses who do eventually make their way , via postgraduate and often in the sciences post-doctoral research , into the academic professions , should not disguise the fact that academic courses do provide a preparation for such work .
5 Therefore , it is suggested , membership of the European currency union and reducing inflation in preparation for such membership will have an undesirable impact on these coutries .
6 ATL press officer Rosemary Rainey said the uptake for such courses was ample evidence that teachers see the need for training to combat stress .
7 It is worth pausing to look at the degree of crowd disorder associated with these sports and the possible reasons for such profiles .
8 He insisted that there were good reasons for such experimentation , from which film-makers anywhere could benefit .
9 Here and elsewhere , the police also came in for a fair amount of criticism — Punch portrayed London 's genial giants Gog and Magog dressed as policeman , defending themselves from the wrath of the respectable populace — and there were perfectly sound reasons for such discontent .
10 In considering the claims filed against accountants , it must be emphasised that in many cases the underlying reasons for such suits are not negligence or incompetence on the part of auditors , but the consequence of faulty business policies and management decisions , or even carefully planned and executed frauds .
11 The objective of this research is to examine the precise reasons for such developments , which include numerical flexibility ( part-time work , temporary work , overtime , shift-work and flexible working hours ) , functional flexibility ( varying the range of skills of individual workers ) , and distancing strategies ( sub-contracting work previously undertaken within the organisation ) .
12 I quote word for word , on the question of wanting details as to why the appeal was overturned , it is not a practice of the organization to give the reasons for such decisions and I would add that I 've spoken to the National Executive Officer on this matter and he 's confirmed that we are not required to do so .
13 If this is the case then you must be aware of it and carefully note the reasons for such differences of opinion .
14 The reasons for such fear , opposition , and misunderstanding are many and complex .
15 One of the reasons for such ambiguity is that the members of the legislature in enacting the statutory provision may have been told what result those words are intended to achieve .
16 One can only guess at the reasons for such underreporting ; but it seems possible that exporters understate values in the hope of retaining part of the foreign exchange that they would otherwise be obliged to surrender to the authorities , while importers may wish to minimize their import duties ( and also avoid enquiries into the source of the foreign exchange used for imports ) .
17 The ITC has its reasons for such mealy-mouthedness .
18 They should only regulate the mix of house types when there are specific planning reasons for such control , and in so doing they should take particular account of marketing considerations .
19 Those that did criticize or review the film , while being in total agreement with the mainstream that it was a ‘ good film ’ , were unable to find any particularly political reasons for such valuations .
20 There may be many reasons for such divergencies , including the lack of information among workers about employment opportunities .
21 FRAME seems to be too well provided with practical , scientific expertise for such idealism .
22 Nevertheless , both provide the opportunity for such attainments to be formally recognized .
23 The Village Cafe in the Shepherd 's Market , Mayfair , one of the oldest coffee bars in London , offers a special opportunity for such artists .
24 A new opportunity for such changes could come in the current review of the board by its chairman , Andrew Large .
25 The case for such freedom is put in a recent book by Matterson .
26 there is an even stronger case for such cross-examination where the evidence the plaintiff wishes to give ( for example , as to the state of his knowledge at a particular date ) is very difficult to challenge by calling other witnesses ; if he is believed , his point is established .
27 to use results generated by each other Party in such manner as is reasonably necessary in any case for such Party to use or exploit its own or other results
28 to use background technical information supplied by each other Party in such manner as is reasonably necessary in any case for such Party to use or exploit its own or other results
29 The 1925 legislation made special provision for such leases .
30 On the other hand , the criminal law already makes some provision for such cases .
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