Example sentences of "[noun] it was only " in BNC.

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1 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was only the most affluent who were able to benefit from refrigeration during the summer .
2 The distance that had to be covered can be seen in the case of the Primitive Methodists : they had no theological college until 1881 and when the new college in Manchester faced collapse it was only saved by the generosity of Sir William Hartley .
3 In her eyes it was only a stepping stone .
4 In the county gaols of Gloucester and Dorchester it was only debtors who were burdened with fees .
5 Unfortunately , in the present study it was only possible to make comparisons among symptomatic children , because ethical constraints precluded measurement of UOS pressure from children who were well .
6 For a second it was only a black silhouette against the sky .
7 But in Athens it was only one of many roles which a citizen could expect to have to play in the public life of the polis .
8 If those winters caused me any anxiety it was only in the nets where Graham and I , as the two overseas professionals in a team of mainly part-timers with jobs to do in midweek , spent a lot of time practising together .
9 When a pope next called a Council it was only because the French king , then at war with the papacy , had called one of his own .
10 He became very gloomy and depressed and according to the girl it was only then that he interfered physically with her .
11 In these circumstances it was only appropriate that in 1174 , while his father occupied Poitiers , Richard should set up his headquarters in Saintes and turn the cathedral into an arms depot .
12 ‘ Before the war it was only Argentina that had football hooligans , ’ I said , ‘ poor people like that who had nothing to eat . ’
13 In war it was only the poor who were expected to die and so the death of Earl Patrick came as a great shock to everyone .
14 On the handshake it was only when I got notified that I 'd been awarded the gold badge , I realized I never got my hand back that day .
15 ‘ Royal Glyn-Neath ’ , we call it , although in those days it was only a little nine-hole course .
16 On Wednesdays or Saturdays you got two hours ( other days it was only thirty minutes ) so obviously everyone came on those days .
17 Between 1971 and 1976 , the annual growth rate fell to 1.8 per cent and in the following five-year period it was only 0.5 per cent .
18 Moreover , Corbett realised that if de Craon knew he was asking questions it was only a matter of time before the Council of Guardians intervened and either put a stop to his activities or expelled him from the country .
19 Dining in the perfect Jacobean hall of Trinity it was only fitting that we should wear dinner jackets ( Hooray for a touch of elitism ! )
20 Yeah I 'm like that but we had a erm conifer type tree it was only so big but and then I and when we we was unloading off the van , this come off and I dug a hole and stuck it in the garden , in the front garden just by the pathways right that 's that but I was washing the car one day , a nice hot day got my shirt off when I come in course I 'd brushed past it I 'd got patterns of the leaves on my on my back .
21 ‘ If her work was a factor it was only one among many .
22 In the event it was only those six states in which agitation for closer political and economic integration had been strongest in the 1940s , with political support at the highest level , which entered into the discussions that led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) .
23 When they got to St-Jean it was only a little past midnight and the cafes were still open .
24 In fact , when he stunned Jim courier and double Wimbledon champion Stefan Edberg that week it was only the seventh time in over four years that feat had been achieved .
25 When Lord John Russell declared that ‘ the whisper of a faction could not prevail over the voice of a nation ’ , he was appealing to moral principle ; and if , when that appeal was made , it chimed in with political expediency it was only because factious and sometimes unprincipled Tory opposition had made it to do so .
26 To most people it was only the text that could be found lacking .
27 ‘ Thank God it was only the veil ! ’
28 I doubt if he 'd , I mean if he 'd looked at the constitution it was only a constitution , it was oh yes , that 's their constitution .
29 When he stood in the middle of the road waving his arms it was only because he was hungry and wanted his dinner , now you 'll have to trundle him about in a wheelbarrow like a dead sheep , you 'll have no time for skirmishing .
30 While the Comintern policy was nominally accepted in Britain it was only vocal extremists , backed by the Comintern , who wished to see it rigorously enforced .
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