Example sentences of "[noun] it is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In all types of contracts , particularly the last , definition of the risks it is intended to cover and the manner in which they will be allocated is of great importance .
2 The formation of the Napier Debating Society has , unfortunately , progressed slowly ; however , with the changeover in Sabbatical Officers of the Napier Students Association it is hoped that the Society will be able to start a recruitment drive in Fresher 's Week of academic year 1993/94 .
3 The Times commented : As a constitutional experiment it is finished .
4 If he makes a will , as most men do , it is almost certain that he will set apart a considerable proportion for the saying of masses ; if he should neglect to do so , and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it is regarded as almost a sin to die without making a will , the Church ought to make the provision which he has failed to make for his soul .
5 Give too much and it may bring about the very conditions it is capable of curing ; ‘ Through the like , disease is produced and through the application of the like it is cured ’ , said Hippocrates over 2000 years ago .
6 I am 17 years old and I know many people who enjoy ‘ real ’ traditional music — no matter what speed it is played at , or how loud it is .
7 As a result it is argued , the rate of inflation could be reduced that much more rapidly and unemployment rise that much less .
8 As a result it is overwhelmed by a mass of material that defies useful analysis and , to make matters worse , unlike the West does not have access to unlimited computer capacity .
9 He explained that on the Continent it is taken for granted that fish caught on a line by small boats should command a premium for the careful handling that preserves both flavour and texture .
10 In the case of body this , as we have already seen , is extension ; in the case of mind it is thought .
11 As a result of this openness it is known that the Secretary of State chose to modify the Mathematics Working Party 's recommendations , particularly in the area of ‘ applied mathematics ’ , that consultation revealed that most of those consulted preferred the stance that the working party had adopted , that the Curriculum Council nevertheless made recommendations which accorded with the Secretary of State 's view and that their recommendations were , not surprisingly , accepted .
12 At low levels of arousal it is assumed that attention is divided among many cues so there will potentially be some memory for all cues .
13 A capacitor made of concentric cylinders has an inner radius a , outer radius b , and length l. it is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity
14 As a result of her lecture demonstration it is hoped that some physiotherapy patients may be recommended to attend Medau classes .
15 However , even with their aid it is thought by some to be unlikely that the outer Moon could have been melted quickly enough to yield those highland rock samples that have given radiometric ages of about 4300 Ma and older .
16 When it is electro-plated with silver it is called electro-plated nickel silver ( EPNS ) .
17 The user , whether the operator of the system when it is operational or the manager of the department it is aimed to help , can readily check that the DFD is accurate because it is so graphical .
18 In future it is hoped to establish an orchard as apples and , to a lesser extent , pears were cultivated in the later medieval period and were particularly important for the cider and perry they produced .
19 In future it is hoped that information will be posted at the nearest car parks , as well as at the crag , allowing for a change of plan before walking to the climbs !
20 In the future it is hoped that there will be a new type of computer interface which should mimic the conventional pen and paper interface .
21 In the future it is envisaged that all three methods will be available as alternative input techniques for computers , perhaps including shorthand as a fourth .
22 Exactly how much weight it is given will depend on the personal values of the judge and the interest value of the story .
23 In the last part of the chapter it is prophesied that Hophni and Phinehas will both die by the sword on the same day , and that Samuel will be put in Eli 's place as God 's priest .
24 In a brief concluding chapter it is shown how study of the human impact can lead to wise management but also that man and nature are difficult to separate , that man is not always responsible for some of the changes with which he is credited , and that environmental impact statements of any kind are difficult to make .
25 Waste for example is an obvious subject for consideration but with C.D.C. it is defined in a new light ‘ anything which is not valued by the customer ’ .
26 From this pilot study it is hoped to identify some of the characteristic features of the book publishing industry , and different company practices and policies , and to begin to assess their effect on careers , as well as to prepare for a wider study of the industry , with the longer term goal of developing strategies to improve women 's position in publishing .
27 From this study it is hoped to develop a taxonomy of degrees of cooperation , to be applied in similar situations of long-term near-violent and sub-violent confrontations across maritime frontiers , to the fields of maritime and marine resource management and protection ; such an analysis could be of guidance and advantage to policy-makers and analysts alike .
28 As with the previous study it is anticipated that the project will generate findings that can be used by various government departments and other public bodies to address issues of policy .
29 As a method of appraisal it is considered particularly appropriate to the area of art in that it places great emphasis upon the validity of individual response and interpretation .
30 Since the exact distribution of the t statistics is complicated , in practice it is approximated by the well known Student 's t distribution .
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