Example sentences of "[noun] it still [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 And ten years after the kiosk starred in Bill Forsyth 's film Local Hero it still acts like a magnet for hundreds of fans drawn to the Buchan village of Pennan .
2 There is a proposal to turn part of the building into a museum of pharmacy ; at the moment it still functions partially as a hospital .
3 Though the estate has somewhat diminished since the Weighall days it still has superbly laid-out grounds of over thirty acres .
4 Even after all these years it still carries an authentic medieval flavour .
5 Hanson revealed that it had sold 100,000 shares in Morgan — but told investors it still owns 4.4million shares in the merchant bank .
6 It was built as a defence against the Russians , on whose border it still stands .
7 Despite all the changes it still bears many of the hallmarks of a family-owned company .
8 Even at 40 per cent off the list price it still costs £1,500 , plus VAT -a bit over the top for me .
9 Banged up at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. at night it still goes on .
10 Newman not only inspired Doctor Who , he also played a major role in structuring the whole fabric of British television drama in the 1960s , adding considerably to the worldwide reputation for quality it still enjoys today .
11 Despite some later rebuilding it still possesses much work from the oldest stave church in Norway .
12 Even in its most calm state it still resonates to brain waves that vibrate at eight cycles per second .
13 From Old Stratford to Towcester it still goes in a straight line for 8½ miles .
14 Yeah , but even with all those things in their favour it still takes fifteen months ?
15 In Japan it still sells more than all other British cars put together .
16 Although the importance of the hymen may have dwindled in western society , in the Middle East and Japan it still carries tremendous significance .
17 In this case it still forces the COPY device to read each file in turn .
18 The continued argument about transport development shows how important a part it still plays in the economy of the US .
19 While not so attractive as the male it still shows the red stripes down the side and a hint of the red spots in the caudal peduncle .
20 Of course it still has to sell the idea to management and our source thinks Austin is still 24 months from a product , but the notion could be IBM 's answer to Microsoft 's NT .
21 At times it still feels like yesterday , otherwise it seems a lifetime away .
22 In its cheaper forms it still suffers from the classical trouble of intolerable leakage in bad weather , especially because of the much higher loads put into the hull by modern rigs .
23 With a suitable model it still requires considerable practice , however , to produce something recognisable .
24 At this point , the family probably can not yet afford a high quality modern house , but for reasons of status it still decides to move into a sub-standard , ill-constructed house built with modern materials , a house that turns into an oven during the summer and generates demand for electrically-powered cooling devices .
25 Rigel in Orion has 60000 times the luminosity of the Sun , and even at its distance of 900 light-years it still shines as the seventh apparently brightest of all the stars ; its magnitude is 0.1 .
26 There was a practice at one time — no doubt it still continues in certain quarters — of collecting the rootstocks in which implanted buds had failed , bundling them up and selling them off as hedging .
27 Islam is also the most recent as it only began in 612 A.D. Even though this religion is different from others it still has the common belief in good that all religions have .
28 To a certain extent it still relies on your dropping the bait on the same line that your tackle is lying .
29 To that extent it still has value .
30 The theory is now in disrepute but in side paths of the groves of Academe it still finds plenty of support .
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