Example sentences of "[noun] it be [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Next term it 's India , China , and Japan . ’
32 Last term it was Russia .
33 No matter how hard they try , things are n't going their way and on Saturday it was Swansea 's turn to take advantage .
34 Edith had also stopped all the pupils in the school from beating her up again after the first incident and during the riot it was Edith who had saved her life .
35 if you leave them in the pile fair enough and I think they can go to archive , but please can you re-title the contents page and the pages cos they 're not interview data it 's count data , er I would of thought by now Scott knew the difference between interview and account
36 In the summer months it was polo , which he played unremittingly three or four times a week .
37 On the final lap it was Robert who beat his brother to the Metropole corner , after the 180mph descent from Coleraine .
38 Fogarty was left to move further and further ahead as Joey Dunlop took up the challenge , then Robert Dunlop made up ground rapidly after being seventh at the end of lap one , and by the end of the second lap it was Joey ahead of Robert to initiate a battle which continued until the end of the race when Robert just squeezed ahead .
39 The seniors did five laps and after one circuit it was Martin in the lead by six seconds .
40 ‘ If anyone knows Selina it is Ted , ’ says Bill Anderson .
41 Two pictures and a map countries it 's Africa so you 're you 're gon na do quite well Ruthy .
42 From the late 18th century onward these brought sealers from North America and Europe into the Southern Ocean ; during the subsequent decades of competitive exploitation it was sealers who discovered most of the cold temperate islands , the ice-covered islands within the pack ice belt , the tip of Antarctic Peninsula , and the great ice-filled bight of the Weddell Sea .
43 The establishment of internal controls is the responsibility of management , not of internal audit , but as a service to management it is part of the latter 's role to review , appraise and report on the soundness and adequacy of these controls .
44 Nearly 50 years after the 1944 Education Act it is time to bring all education provision more into line with the sort of society it would be realistic to work towards today .
45 Under the 1974 Act it was creditors not debtors who were liable to imprisonment .
46 But courts themselves were places of education ; ‘ With the king of England it is school every day ’ , as Peter of Blois remarked .
47 In the south-east of England it was £1,876 per head .
48 The second assumption inherent in climatic geomorphology is that as an attitude it is actualist , i.e. it attributes the landscape to present processes .
49 After two or three days of exploring Stanley and its environs it was time to go to ‘ camp ’ ( from a Spanish word ‘ campos ’ meaning countryside ) and our tour of the islands took us to the three or four places equipped to deal with small parties of visitors .
50 There Frank Sinatra that is and er Brazil it 's Radio Nottingham fourteen minutes to two bit late with everything today thanks for all your calls on that .
51 Sunday night rounds the event off with a bizarre juxtaposing of gigs : downstairs in the main hall it 's Mayhem Central , where the venue 's somewhat implausible design means that unless you 're stuffed on to the raised dancefloor you can see bugger all of the bands .
52 At the Albert Hall it was bits of Eric Clapton 's band , Andy Fairweather Low and one of the Heartbreakers , with Katie Kissoon and Laura Niles sumptuously on the side .
53 you should , you should need some indulgence from this exercise it 's exertion , it 's so awful
54 According to Eurotunnel it is £7bn ; the contractors put it at £7.5bn .
55 We learned that the fuel promised by both Aerad and Bottlang was there , but instead of avgas it was Jet A1 .
56 After two weeks out in the desert it was time to take stock .
57 Once you have chosen your core it is time to consider the rest of your army .
58 Early in the second half it was Aberdeen 's turn to score from the spot through substitute Joe Miller after Richard Gough tugged Scott Booth 's jersey .
59 And er we were on that for about an hour or so and then they got rid of the the badly injured were taken off then and put on the Therris it 's support vessel that was Just happened to be there at the time .
60 He has a real medal chance so if Henley wants a local hero it 's time to pay up .
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