Example sentences of "[noun] it be time " in BNC.

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1 During a full meeting of the convention later , Councillor John Connolly , of Central Region and chairman of the COSLA water and sewerage committee , said that since a great deal had been heard about taking stock it was time Mr Lang faced up to the fact that he had completely lost the argument for privatised water and sewerage services , including a franchise arrangement .
2 With the font world in a state of turmoil following the Apple/Microsoft deal it 's time for a few words about maintaining standards .
3 Having discussed the parameters of the signals it is time to look at the detectors .
4 After the sealing of the Treaty of Nonancourt it was time for Henry II to carry out the promise made at Winchester last September and deal with William and Vulgrin of Angoulême , Aimar of Limoges and the other defeated rebels .
5 Nearly 50 years after the 1944 Education Act it is time to bring all education provision more into line with the sort of society it would be realistic to work towards today .
6 After two or three days of exploring Stanley and its environs it was time to go to ‘ camp ’ ( from a Spanish word ‘ campos ’ meaning countryside ) and our tour of the islands took us to the three or four places equipped to deal with small parties of visitors .
7 After two weeks out in the desert it was time to take stock .
8 Once you have chosen your core it is time to consider the rest of your army .
9 He has a real medal chance so if Henley wants a local hero it 's time to pay up .
10 Since I 've done most of the really sexy west-coast mountains it 's time to start exploring the interior of the Cairngorm range , especially now I 've overcome my abhorrence of the ski-77tows and scone consumers .
11 After lunch it was time to don the wet suits and to ‘ run the gauntlet ’ .
12 So using the default palette as the basis it is time for change .
13 All over town it 's time for church-going .
14 At the Jamboree it was time for tea .
15 Once you have worked with Ami Pro on a given type of document for a reasonable period it is time to define your own palette for that type of document .
16 After the finals it was time to pick the redcurrants and raspberries , which was no one 's favourite job , but the consolation of the thought of summer puddings , not just in summer but all the year round , goaded us on , because if there exists a more ambrosial delight I do n't know of it .
17 But I think after three glasses of wine it 's time I went home . ’
18 Labour 's simple , single theme is that after 13 years it is time for a change .
19 After thirty long years it was time to forget the past .
20 After six years it was time for me to move on to Debenham High School .
21 She told Sam it was time he was in bed , but without conviction .
22 Having covered these general principles it 's time to look at the various troop types in more detail .
23 If all this bland fare has dulled your appetite for the prints it is time you reminded yourself how glorious they can be by a visit to THE LUCY B CAMPBELL GALLERY , 123 Kensington Church Street , W8 .
24 If you 're on a long run conditions may change from the top to the bottom ; and when you feel your skis biting through the top surface it 's time to head back to the piste before you break up the snow too much .
25 For those who went the distance it was time to reflect on their achievement .
26 After the fun and games of the Cheranganis it was time for something a bit more serious , so we headed for Mount Elgon , in the far west of the country , straddling the border between Kenya and Uganda .
27 Returning to Switzerland for a week it was time to say our goodbyes to each other .
28 With the situation well under control it is time to return to the Company HQ .
29 I get de feeling it is time fe go .
30 ‘ I ca n't say precisely how long but by this calculation it 's time for a bath .
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