Example sentences of "[noun] it [be] only " in BNC.

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1 The total investment need is there from the beginning but it is split into two phases and in our thinking it is only too easy to look only at the first phase because this almost returns the organisation to profitability , and to ignore the second phase which may be essential .
2 The normal bass roll-off of -6dB by 38Hz is low enough to lend a convincing weight to the majority of signals and if the bass seems initially a little ‘ polite ’ to some ears it is only because it is tight , with little or no hangover — the dual coupled-cavity technique really does give a positive ‘ start and stop ’ throughout its range .
3 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was only the most affluent who were able to benefit from refrigeration during the summer .
4 I mean it 's same with Marks and Sparks , you buy owt at Marks and Sparks it 's only because when they have them packed , they 've got to put their name on it .
5 She 'd got thing in her in her er yeah what 's what it is up she damaged it ooh some years ago and it 's been a bit weak since like , you know but sh it was only a few weeks ago we got some computer big computer , with big discs and she twisted her hand in in pulling one out , you know it 's I do n't how , the fell or something and she went to cash it or whatever and of course we 're riding the motorbike for the like you have to change gear it 's only a small seater , your bike 's open
6 The distance that had to be covered can be seen in the case of the Primitive Methodists : they had no theological college until 1881 and when the new college in Manchester faced collapse it was only saved by the generosity of Sir William Hartley .
7 In her eyes it was only a stepping stone .
8 In order to maintain this circadian rhythm it is only necessary that one protocerebral lobe and the ipsilateral medulla externa and lobula should be in nervous connection with the thorax .
9 In the county gaols of Gloucester and Dorchester it was only debtors who were burdened with fees .
10 The daily routine is disrupted only by extreme weather and by the rut , and even during the rut it is only the males whose activity is much changed .
11 Unfortunately , in the present study it was only possible to make comparisons among symptomatic children , because ethical constraints precluded measurement of UOS pressure from children who were well .
12 From Saint-Jean-de-Luz it is only seven miles to the Spanish frontier .
13 From our site in Old College it is only a few minutes walk to Parliament House , where the highest criminal and civil courts in Scotland sit , and to the local Sheriff and district court .
14 Apart from the side it 's only hardwood at the sides .
15 Thus for technicians and draughtsmen it is only 11 per cent .
16 In the case of orthography it is only in comparatively recent times that spelling has been standardised into ‘ correct ’ forms , it being , in former centuries , very much at the whim of the writer as to how a word was spelt , and it was not unusual for several styles — ‘ king ’ , ‘ kyng ’ , ‘ kynge ’ are examples — to be used in the same document , or even sentence .
17 For a second it was only a black silhouette against the sky .
18 But in Athens it was only one of many roles which a citizen could expect to have to play in the public life of the polis .
19 If those winters caused me any anxiety it was only in the nets where Graham and I , as the two overseas professionals in a team of mainly part-timers with jobs to do in midweek , spent a lot of time practising together .
20 In the summer the monarch is distributed from Mexico to Canada , but with falling temperatures it moves south , and in the winter it is only found in Mexico and the southernmost United States ( Figure 4.2 ) .
21 When a pope next called a Council it was only because the French king , then at war with the papacy , had called one of his own .
22 The videotaping of the child 's statement comes at a crucial point in that process but for the child it is only one part of it .
23 He became very gloomy and depressed and according to the girl it was only then that he interfered physically with her .
24 In addition , the rate of the tax varies widely from state to state — the standard rate in Ireland is 23 per cent whilst in Spain it is only 12 per cent .
25 In these circumstances it was only appropriate that in 1174 , while his father occupied Poitiers , Richard should set up his headquarters in Saintes and turn the cathedral into an arms depot .
26 ‘ Before the war it was only Argentina that had football hooligans , ’ I said , ‘ poor people like that who had nothing to eat . ’
27 In war it was only the poor who were expected to die and so the death of Earl Patrick came as a great shock to everyone .
28 On the handshake it was only when I got notified that I 'd been awarded the gold badge , I realized I never got my hand back that day .
29 Thus , for a specified sub-domain it is only necessary to consider and assemble those primitives that intersect with that space .
30 we asked for space , and they said oh mid April , and that actually is the next schedule step down action and that 's going to be on Europe and that 'll run from April till June , erm but from now till April if anybody would like to write the country which is Chile and this is because they 're , they suppose that they have extend the death penalty in Chile to include the murder of an off duty police witnesses , at the moment it 's only erm , the death penalty only exists for on duty police officers
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