Example sentences of "[noun] i [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 At the cross , at the cross where I first saw the light , and the burden of my heart rolled away , it was there by faith I receive my sight and now I am happy all the day !
2 Perhaps that 's one of the reasons I love my work .
3 I did and it was one of the reasons I lost my seat in the Dail . ’
4 All through my wild days my mad existence I kept my promise do n't keep your distance bom bom bom .
5 Mr Langford has left the matter open until Friday in case I change my mind , but I wo n't .
6 In that case I have my cheque-book to pay for accommodation . ’
7 On my way through Kelvingrove Park I flipped my once-precious packet into a wastebasket and walked on .
8 With difficulty I raised my gaze to her face , staring dazedly at the soft abundance of her mouth , the petal-perfect skin , the powerful femaleness that radiated from her eyes .
9 As I seconded past the scene of shredded clothes and fingers I cursed my lack of imagination ; the peg pointed skywards .
10 One night in March I visited my old friend at his home in Baker Street .
11 Mum I finished my bit .
12 As we march up the grass towards the motel building I put my arm around Laverne , who knows he 's in for it .
13 Is that the hour I ordered my dinner ?
14 So a lawyer came , and of course I had my own office , confidential stuff , so he wanted to give it to me .
15 Because of course I have my voice in here with me , as well as my hands .
16 About eighteen months after my mastectomy I had my hysterectomy , an even more painful operation .
17 On my first day at the university I met my teacher , Professor Waldman , who was one of the greatest scientists in the world .
18 In the kitchen I found my servant and a stray village child , both dumbstruck by this apparition .
19 As he said : ‘ If I 'm deciding on whom I want to live with for fifty years — well , that 's the last decision I want my head to be ruled by my heart . ’
20 When we reached Dieppe I emptied my kit into another bad and popped Emily into my rucksack .
21 With the Fokker lurching and shuddering in the storm I unfastened my safety-belt , staggered up to the pilot 's cockpit and was finally able to bellow into ‘ Buck ’ Buchanan 's ear that the mail had been left behind .
22 In the Airds ' duplex apartment I hung my raincoat over Tessa 's second mink with a malign hope that it would drip , which involved me in turning in my tracks after a minute or two to take the gesture back .
23 ‘ One of the last times I saw my mother , I was borrowing money off her .
24 At times I enjoy my plainness ; it is young and puerile to me in the bathroom mirror , the mirror that steams from my bath .
25 In squeaky-clean restaurants , round smoggy poolsides , in jungly jacuzzis I made my deals .
26 I brought a keyboard and an eight-track machine , and Juan and I set it up in my apartment on campus , even though we were n't supposed to play music loud.Then I made my first record , Triangle Of Love .
27 It literally happened as quickly as that — on the Monday I decided to finish it and on the Tuesday I packed my bags and left .
28 I felt she desperately needed my help , and I made frequent visits and tried innumerable remedies I consulted my colleague Siegfried on the problem and he suggested a diet of charcoal biscuits .
29 With all sorts of primeval fears about dark cupboards and traps and ghostly animals I put my hand on the handle , turned it , pulled and jumped back .
30 ‘ When I played for Transvaal I found my role very different to that employed for either club or country .
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