Example sentences of "[noun] to [noun sg] out " in BNC.

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1 Steps already taken by some manufacturers to phase out animal testing were welcome , as was the EC 's encouragement for the development of alternative tests .
2 It was expected that case law would give rise to sufficient precedents to flesh out the relatively few guidelines available under UCTA , but in fact cases have been few and not very helpful .
3 As he was never in contention , he will not have used up the sort of nervous energy expended by Chip Beck , who recovered the lead he had lost on Saturday to edge out Greg Norman and Mike Standly with a final round of 70 .
4 And having found a vantage-point where he had a clear view of the meadows and was himself sheltered , he halted his pony and stood to watch , narrowing his eyes to single out coat-armour , and number the forces in the English party .
5 The one the Federation produced is very good , but a lot of reading in it , so , we wanted one we could hand out to people and the the intention is that we , we go on the market next week Thursday and Friday to hand out that leaflet , also to advertise the meeting on the tenth , erm , so that really is as far , and obviously the meetings that , that Lilly just said that Kathy 's coming , that would be an opportunity to erm you know , discuss it further with her .
6 Taiwan to phase out CFCs by 1996
7 Why , when the opposition goalie was taking a goal-kick , did he crouch forward and remain motionless like Johnny Fartpants ? was this some attempt to psyche out the opposition ?
8 The LDP fear that an attempt to phase out whaling , even for a theoretically temporary period of a moratorium , would lose them the support of the fishing communities .
9 A campaign to prevent the closure of Edinburgh 's dental school ended in failure when the Universities Funding Council announced its intention to phase out the school 's grant from next autumn .
10 It is this point which was recognised in the Government 's review and which led to the intention to phase out drift-netting .
11 The conference was broadly enough based to include both Samuel Gurney and the intemperate American Garrisonian , Parker Pillsbury , but although the BFASS committee supported a resolution encouraging American abolitionists of all ‘ persuasions , it refused to eat enough of its past words to single out for particular mention the American Anti-Slavery Society , associated with the Garrison 's ‘ heretical ’ notions .
12 Taiwan , threatened with an international boycott because of its failure to sign the Montreal protocol , has begun taking steps to phase out use of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) .
13 Quoting reseller sources briefed by the company , Computer Reseller News is looking for Sun to phase out the ELC and Sparcstation 2 to make room for new Tsunami-run IPCs and IPXs .
14 On 21–22 February EC environment ministers considered an EC Commission proposal to phase out CFCs , halons , carbon tetrachloride and 1,1,1-trichloroethane by the end of 1995 , with an 85 per cent cut by the end of 1993 .
15 THERE have been a number of articles and letters published recently about North-East drift-net fishery for salmon , which suggest that the Government 's proposal to phase out this fishery is unreasonable and that it is based on political expediency under pressure from owners of rod fisheries .
16 We very much hope that that money will help many countries to phase out CFCs much earlier than they might otherwise have done .
17 Agreement was also reached with all main Western , including European Community ( EC ) , steel-producing countries to phase out government subsidies for steel .
18 After 2000 , thanks to the impact of the Montreal Protocol , obliging countries to phase out use of ozone-depleting chemicals , the ozone layer should slowly start to thicken and become better able to block harmful ultraviolet rays .
19 She willed the piss to fountain out of her .
20 Anecdotes like this help to flesh out the inanimate objects we sell .
21 She had helped enthusiastically with the costumes , making for Mary a trailing blue robe of cornflower taffeta , her own Cambridge May Ball dress sheared apart at the seams , lending or donating bright belts and beads to deck out the three kings , one of whom wore a peacock-feathered turban made of the shot-silk stole she had worn with that dance dress .
22 His admonition was unnecessary , for Robbie chose that moment to black out , and the next thing she knew she was lying face down on the canal bank , with Fen applying rough but effective resuscitation techniques .
23 A brief halt at the Military Police Post to book out with the Belgian Military Policeman on duty , and they are off along the main road into Corlu .
24 The decision puts the EC ahead of other signatories of the Montreal Protocol , which agreed in November to phase out these chemicals by January 1996 .
25 Because of the drive swapping the CONFIG.SYS file is stored in the uncompressed drive D. If you edit this file to REM out the DEVSWAP command you might be lucky enough to recover the ROM drive but I can not guarantee it .
26 Anglers like to talk of ‘ the one that got away ’ , but at least they occasionally bag a fish to flesh out their claims .
27 The Japanese thus gained a couple of years to phase out their use of drift-nets , and retained the hope that their research scientists might be able to hide the truth about drift-net fishing .
28 It will take many years to phase out existing cars that run on high octane leaded petrol .
29 ‘ They must also provide health and safety training , and it will be up to individuals to point out their own needs or problems . ’
30 So a list of questions to winkle out the facts not covered by the application form or c.v .
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