Example sentences of "[noun] in it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think there 's less disappointment in it for you than in writing . ’
2 She concluded that ‘ It looks like misery — there 's no light in it at all — it 's too dull .
3 I know we got a mention in it for the museum and that was , oh did you get your keepsake ?
4 There was only one stroke in it after the first round ( Thomson 68 ; Thomas 69 ) , so it was n't cut-and-dried .
5 The path was narrow and rough with tussocky grass and she trod carefully , eyes straining ahead to where the path ended abruptly at the outer limits of the aerodrome , blocked by a high steel-mesh fence — a cruel fence to keep lovers apart — and no one else had discovered the break in it through which Rob always came .
6 it 's right soft carpet , it does n't , there not be a lot of wool in it for that money , you know what I mean
7 Intellectual snobbery : he dismissed the bookshelves of the manse upstairs as ‘ rather a lady 's library , with some Latin books in it by chance ’ .
8 ‘ Fish Street , ’ says Esme , ‘ did have 19 fish shops in it at one time .
9 No there 's no rude words in it at all .
10 Tentatively , he ran his thumbnail over the thick seal , exerting a careful pressure which made an indentation in it without actually cracking it open .
11 ‘ There 'd be a p-p-part in it for you … ’
12 Reduction of geminate in it to .
13 And I got a bag from erm Woolworths all blue shells in it for two ninety
14 While business was buoyant there was a living in it for many small shops that are liable to succumb in a climate where 40 per cent of the country are wanting independent deals , and the remainder are demanding much improved advice and service .
15 The web of diplomatic contacts which had developed in western and central Europe over the last 200 or more years was now being extended further east by the full incorporation in it for the first time of the great new emerging state of Russia : henceforth events in eastern Europe were to be far more significant in the calculations of statesmen in the west than ever in the past .
16 Play and experiment of a more or less directly sexual nature is natural and normal among younger children and , provided it takes place in non-frightening circumstances between children of roughly the same age there is generally no harm in it at all .
17 No harm in it at all .
18 Perhaps a crewman stumbles , it could be the gloop is n't hot enough , maybe there is n't enough pepper in it for the cook 's liking .
19 1a identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of units , tens , hundreds and thousands ; 1b represent in numerals a whole number given in words ; 1c represent in words a whole number given in numerals ; 1d order whole numbers ; 1e provide a whole number which is between two given numbers in size ; 1f represent a given whole number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ; 1g demonstrate understanding of relationships of the form 13 x 8 ( 10 x 8 ) + ( 3 x 8 ) .
20 The pupil can identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of units , tens , hundreds and thousands ( Examples 75,76 and 77 ) .
21 2a The pupil can identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of tenths , hundredths and thousandths ; 2b the pupil can represent in numerals a decimal number given in words ; 2c the pupil can represent in words a decimal number given in numerals ; 2d the pupil can order decimal numbers ; 2e the pupil can provide a decimal number which is between two given numbers in size ; 2f the pupil can represent a given decimal number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ; 2g the pupil can understand relationships of the form 1.3 x 8 ( I x 8 ) + ( 0.3 x 8 ) ; 2h the pupil can represent a fraction in tenths or hundredths as a decimal ; 2i the pupil can represent a decimal with not more than two decimal places as a fraction .
22 The pupil can identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of tenths , hundredths and thousandths ( Examples 84,85 and 86 ) .
23 B Sky B is now profitable of trading level , we increased our stake in it during the year from eleven percent to sixteen percent .
24 Or perhaps one might just narrow it a bit further than that and say well let's see how history is going in the first two years , or the O level history course , or something like that , and we would discuss well given that all these different people are involved in history or have a stake in it in some way , or are interested in it , and given that you 're only going to have a very limited amount of time to do anything in , how can you do something that would be genuinely useful to the school in looking at the history teaching and something that would have the support of the people involved so that it was n't threatening anybody but they felt there was something being genuinely helpful .
25 Why has it got lines in it like bumps like that ?
26 The rain which I collect from the downpipe often has debris in it from the guttering .
27 It was a clear , carrying command with no anxiety in it at all , and McLeish identified himself promptly .
28 Killing someone was one thing , but this was worse ; there was no honour or morality in it at all .
29 chicken in it in a casserole dish
30 might not be one of the question in it as tag questions could be
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