Example sentences of "[noun] to [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is , in fact , every indication that Karajan was acutely aware of the temper of the times , though to find evidence of this we do not go to the random rag-bag of recordings he was permitted to make in the early 1940s but to what he immediately turned his mind to with Legge in Vienna in 1947 : Strauss 's Metamorphosen , a recording , still , of unparalleled intensity , and the Brahms German Requiem , a performance ( it was said to be one of Toscanini , s favourite records ) of unbearable directness and poignancy of utterance .
2 I would especially wish to record my thanks to of Shell UK Exploration and Production who retired in December 1990 from the Chair of the North-East Area Committee .
3 Trim the tape to within 1cm ( ⅜ in ) of knot , then turn it under .
4 New songs like ‘ Angel ’ show another side to Into Paradise , with its slow burning atmospherics forming a stark contrast to the bulk of their material .
5 We could n't help but notice that some of the coverage following whatever it was we were witness to at UniForum referred to it as ‘ Unified Unix . ’
6 We could n't help but notice that some of the coverage following whatever it was we were witness to at Uniforum referred to it as ‘ Unified Unix . ’
7 Congratulations to , processing , on his marriage to in Fort Jesus , Mombasa on .
8 The company also has a version , the 116 , to enable users to connect Xerox Engineering Systems controllers and plotters to with Sun workstations using the Solaris operating system .
9 In the same match , NSW batsman Trevor Bayliss hit a ball from off-spinner Tim May to within 15ft of the SCG pavilion clock during his innings of 133 .
10 This species has been recorded from both sides of the North Atlantic : in the east from the Bay of Biscay south to off North Africa in depths of 994–2282 m , and in the west off Bermuda 1996 m .
11 Iceland and in the east from the Rockall Trough south to off North Africa , with a bathymetric range of 957–4829 m .
12 This species has been recorded on both sides of the North Atlantic and from Arctic Seas ; in the east it has been recorded from the Kara Sea south to the Faeroe Channel and in the west from the Davis Strait south to off Maryland , with a bathymetric range of 50–2727 m .
13 The birds have been breeding in the Arctic regions of Greenland , Iceland , Scandinavia and Russia and travel south to over winter in Britain .
14 Matthew Arnold refers to Horace 's " allusive and compressed manner " ( In his essay " On translating Homer " ; actually with reference to in Odes , iv , ) Gladstone ( 1894 : v ) mentions " the necessity of compression " as the particular object of his own translations — which are in places as uncompressed and haplessly spongy as anyone else 's .
15 Alternatively , the hearer may be intended to reconsider this entry , to expand the context made accessible by run to in order to recover further contextual effects .
16 The costs of the preferred British Rail route have risen from £1.7bn to between £3.5bn and £4bn partly because of extra tunnelling insisted upon by ministers after protests in south London and Kent .
17 I mean this is something that we could maybe be of help to in fact maybe something that I could be of help to them on because I actually do lectures on public relations how to assess what I mean at a very basic level you want to communicate with press how do you do it but before you do it why do you want to do it .
18 Tethlis of Caledor in particular established a brilliant reputation , lifting the siege of Griffon Gate and harrying the Dark Elves to within sight of Anlec .
19 I remember before that the wind changed pretty suddenly from southwest to nearer west I think and I 'd made a new hen house I thought indestructible .
20 Place the meat on one half of the pastry and run a lattice cutter over the other half to within 5mm/¼in of the pastry edges .
21 The research will be conducted on the basis of data collated on national laws and practice , interviews and field visits to for example the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation , the International Oceanographic Commission and United Nations in New York , and the maritime centres of universities overseas .
22 By stressing superiority of the competitive as opposed to the collaborative , the individual as against the collective , the private as compared to the public and by elevating profitability to at times the sole criterion of success , they have created an economic framework where the survival of the fittest has in many cases come to mean the survival of those who are best at avoiding controls on their activities without being caught .
23 Now have changed it from per kilo to per piece .
24 Induction is part of the recruitment process the Japanese pay great attention to with results that well recover the time , effort and cost involved .
25 Earlier this year , however , the state minister for primary industries , Dr Kang Yaik , had been reported as saying that there had been a " phenomenal " increase in production and that there was no need to for reductions because " exploitation is carried out very properly on a sustainable yield basis " .
26 A blip in profits in 1991 cut Hanson 's remuneration from £1.45m to £1.38m , but this year his pay packet should stage a smart recovery to around Pounds 1.5m .
27 The phasing out of both personal and non-structural tax allowances would allow a government to reduce the standard rate of tax to between 12p and 15p in the pound .
28 Reducing the standard rate of tax to between 12p and 15p in the pound would have an important impact on both the poverty and the unemployment traps .
29 Deciding that attack was the best form of defence , I knelt beside him and lowering my head to within inches of his , said , ‘ Next time , It 'll be the bread knife . ’
30 In addition , the President 's Award for 1990 was presented by CBE to in recognition of his outstanding achievement in the encouragement of the Arts in Scotland .
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