Example sentences of "[noun] have a great " in BNC.

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1 The reader might wonder why paper money has almost superseded the use of metal coins when even one coin has a greater value in metal than the largest banknote has as a piece of paper .
2 This powder has a great attraction for all animals , and the horse itself .
3 Kirsten Matz , Expressen 's money page editor , said : ‘ It proves that sheer luck has a great deal to say about the stock market . ’
4 West Germany has a greater proportion of people economically active but they start work later and retire earlier than do workers in Pakistan .
5 Earlier work which suggests that West Germany has a greater capability than Britain to deal with structural industrial crises through the cooperation of the state , employers , unions and financiers will be pursued in relation to the chemicals industry .
6 ‘ I know that people are not going out of their way to create problems but I believe the national side has a great role to play in terms of providing players with status , confidence and a substantially increased market value .
7 Senior management capability has a greater impact .
8 Magnetic saturation has a great influence on the torque produced by a stepping motor ( Fig.3.1 ) and its effects can be included in pull-out torque calculations ( Acarnley and Hughes , 1981 ) .
9 Sir Ralph Halpern believes our manufacturing industry has a great deal to learn from labels such as Benetton and Hennes in Europe , and The Gap , Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein in the States , in terms of creating brand and image .
10 Food : As we have seen in an earlier chapter , our physical condition has a great influence on our minds and our emotions — the reverse also being true .
11 ‘ The Yamaha has a great sound , in either passive or active modes , and there are really no more controls than are necessary to change tones , so it 's fairly user-friendly .
12 Sutherland has a great sporting tradition .
13 Someone at general command had a great idea , a cheap-rate sequel to GI Blues in which a young Scottish footballer plays the part of a handsome conscript .
14 I dare say those two small kids had a great time larking around with mummy and ‘ uncle ’ Johnny .
15 I 'm sure someone will tell us that Wetherall had a great game ( he must have — look at the result ! ) but surely Roecastle would have been a better bet ( or even Hodge ? ) .
16 One minute before the break Dundee had a great chance to equalise when Dodds broke through , but Maxwell got a hand to the attempted lob .
17 For a long time , the public relations industry had a great number of former journalists working on it .
18 As far as the 1975 election is concerned VUPP had a greater proportion of seats than was warranted by its first preference vote for two reasons .
19 Kings wanted to build up reserves of bullion for the very practical reason that it would enable them to recruit armies , and it was also true that gold and silver had a great power to dazzle men 's minds .
20 Those not receiving insulin therapy had a greater prevalence ( 45.6 per cent ) than those on insulin ( 30.7 per cent ) ( P<0.001 ) , although this relationship was not found in blacks in whom the prevalence of hypertension was similar regardless of the type of diabetic therapy .
21 Aycock has not shown for some years and so fans of her precisely-crafted contraptions have a great treat in store when her show opens at John Weber on 13 February .
22 Pollerton 's Pride and Diane Clay have a great chance of defying a 7lb penalty in the Tyne Handicap Hurdle ( 3.05 ) .
23 Mr Murphy said : ‘ Kids have a great time on our holidays without being aggressive or competitive .
24 And the clients have a greater confidence in us , recognising us as the people who have made it happen .
25 Informants have a great deal more liberty to range as they wish and to develop their ideas , and this ‘ freedom to roam ’ can be extremely useful in getting to the bottom of complex social situations and events .
26 The very finest champagnes have a greater potential to age more interestingly since they start off with more .
27 The babyfood market is worth many tens of millions of pounds a year and so the manufacturers have a great vested interest in when babies begin solids and what they eat .
28 In addition , equities have a greater appeal to many groups of investors as they generally carry a higher expected rate of return .
29 Geophysical studies and Quaternary research have a greater than average chance of publication in the journal Nature , probably related to the paradigmatic nature of the former , and the human impact and immediacy of the latter .
30 If it is agreed that project work has a great deal to offer in terms of developing reading , but recognised that these opportunities tend not to be exploited to the full , it is necessary to examine ways in which project work can be designed to make fuller use of its potential .
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