Example sentences of "[noun] have [vb pp] high " in BNC.

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1 The Bill failed at its first reading by a majority of forty-six , but legislation against deaf discrimination has remained high on the BDA 's agenda .
2 Since operations commenced the service level has remained high , depot working stock has reduced and costs have been held well below budget .
3 In Sweden , however , approval for the welfare and economic interventionist aspects of collectivism has remained high .
4 In the past , the young store cattle were sold after a few months to farmers on the UK mainland but recently the EEC has guaranteed high prices for beef and so many farmers have fattened their calves on their own farms .
5 Thirdly the recession has created high unemployment , with an increase in demand for social security and unemployment benefit .
6 Psychology and Health in which research income has remained high , includes a large grant from the Cancer Relief MacMillan Fund .
7 A nationwide survey by the Indian Council of Medical Research has detected high levels of pesticide residues in cows ' milk , and toxic metals including arsenic , cadmium and lead in infant canned products .
8 It may have been from a belief that deputies provide a less good service , although published research has shown high patient satisfaction with deputies .
9 Other authors have noted high rates of use of imaging studies to diagnose pyloric stenosis and have suggested that some of these studies are unnecessary .
10 Some authors have reported high sensitivity and specificity values for an ELISA test which , like Biolab Malakit , detects antibodies against partially purified urease antigen .
11 A number of clergy have expressed high regard for their contribution to the provision of homes , stipends and index-linked pensions .
12 The Council has encouraged high technology and research-based facilities including Mitsubishi Electric and NEC Semiconductors to come to Lothian .
13 The GLC had given high priority to funding this community centre as a space where lesbians and gays could manage their own social activities .
14 Labour and the Conservatives have pitched high profile candidates into this unknown quantity .
15 When they returned to work on Saturday morning , they found that the pressure in the apparatus had stayed high but , by Monday , it had fallen , indicating that a leak had developed .
16 Indeed , the large number of placings and the large discounts in that year may have been the reason as to why placings have had higher discounts than offers for sale , on average .
17 Canadian producers had faced higher interest rates than those of their US competitors and higher unit labour costs , which rose 15 per cent between 1985 and the first quarter of 1989 , compared with only 1 per cent in the USA for the same period .
18 But the similarity goes further : Miltiades had been a great figure in the early colonial days of Athens : his pocket principality in the Chersonese was in the van of Pisistratid expansion ( for good relations between the tyrants and Miltiades in the 520s see the archon-list ML 6 = Fornara 23 , belying Herodotus : Miltiades had held high office under the tyrants ) .
19 The most recent studies suggest that more than a third of employers discriminate against black applicants for jobs , and that levels of discrimination are the same for Asian and Afro-Caribbean applicants , for men and women , and vary little between job categories , although previous studies have documented higher levels of racial discrimination in relation to unskilled manual jobs ( Brown and Gay , 1985 ; Smith , 1977 ) .
20 More importantly , other studies have used higher doses of benzodiazepine and also given opiates before treatment , which is likely to explain the lower oxygen saturation values .
21 Mr Kinnock has taken High Court libel action over a front page story , A Man For All Reasons , in the Sun on April 3 .
22 That high rents and business rates have created high bar prices at a time when people can ill afford to pay them .
23 Where scale has created high fixed costs , producers of standardised products have a strong incentive to stabilise demand : small variations in volume have a large impact on profits .
24 Almost single handedly in the past three years Jones has made high technology and the ‘ sunrise ’ industries household words and created a climate of industrial and community awareness .
25 Furthermore , if world sugar prices had remained high , Moscow might even have realised a profit in its Cuban trade by reselling imported sugar on the world market ’ ( Gouré and Weinkle : 1972 , p. 75 ) .
26 His voice had become high , almost hysterical .
27 Will the Minister confirm that the present Government have introduced higher taxes than any other Government , and that they have increased national insurance contributions for those on average and low pay by a massive 40 per cent ?
28 His quarter-measures have brought higher prices , and also provoked massive strikes , but without any prospect of stabilising the economy .
29 Although there is no proof that these conditions are caused by pollution from the plants , investigations by environmental lawyers have found high levels of dust and sulphur dioxide — both of which are known respiratory irritants — in the vicinity of the plants , together with above-average levels of dioxins in the soil .
30 The Scottish Ballet has aimed high , choosing Robert Cohan , arguably the single most important figure in the introduction of contemporary dance to Britain .
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