Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] seen " in BNC.

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1 ICL has meantime seen its share drop from 8.7% in 1989 to 8.4% in 1990 , and duly return to 8.7% in 1991 .
2 It 's eight now and Mr Vigo has n't seen it for years .
3 Gary has n't seen er , shall we , Walk on The Wild Side has he ?
4 : Mws The Regal Cinema has certainly seen better days .
5 ‘ What 's more , Charlie Trumper comes with the deal , the finest fruit and vegetable man the East End has ever seen . ’
6 Victoria has n't seen her father for months .
7 Jo Baker 's guest house in Ross on Wye has n't seen much trade recently .
8 Which Roger has n't seen yet
9 And to lead the horse we need to go somewhere ; perhaps around the house , across the lawn , over the concrete path , under the clothesline with flapping socks , past the dogs , and in to an environment of strange things the horse has not seen before .
10 He is the finest King Portugal has ever seen !
11 Fry and Flashman both launched a tirade of abuse against each other following their parting , but now they have shelved their differences and will work together again in a twosome , the like of which football has never seen , or is likely to again .
12 At £18 million , the Bedworth factory is the largest single green-field plant investment the UK roofing industry has yet seen , and has an annual design capacity of 30 million Rosemary clay plain tiles .
13 If it goes ahead , the proposed merger of America 's SmithKline Beckman with Britain 's Beecham will be the biggest the pharmaceuticals industry has yet seen , creating a group with annual sales of $9 billion .
14 It will also be only the second significant merger the industry has yet seen .
15 This would wreck the sense of the entire poem : Wordsworth tried to make it clear that ‘ the gleam ’ refers to an illusion which the poet has now seen to be wrong .
16 Their need for live practice has since seen them support The Paris Angels and Northside , though they admit they 'd be better or suited to a dance crowd .
17 Miss Debrace has never seen the place .
18 Mr McCulloh says the shakeout has already seen prices rise from a low of 40 cents a pound for live beef to nearly 90 cents this spring .
19 In Asia native peoples had also seen the European powers defeated , in 1941–2 , by an Asian power , Japan .
20 Corbett had rarely seen such beauty .
21 Corbett had never seen such evil in someone so small : black hair slicked back against the head like the ears of a wet rat ; tiny , soulless eyes and a face as twisted and as sour as a rotten apple .
22 His sparse blond hair was dark with sweat , and his surprised blue eyes and hangdog look made him the most unlikely royal messenger Corbett had ever seen .
23 It was the only chamber Corbett had ever seen where there were no torches fixed to the wall .
24 The Dutch administration had long seen the need for consular representation in Jedda , the port of Mecca , where the security , health and transport of large numbers of Indonesian pilgrims could be supervised by the Batavian authorities .
25 It was the most epic winter the West Coast had ever seen .
26 Bernice had n't seen them at first : their black silk cloaks merged into the darkness beyond the doorway , and only the jerky movements of the red-painted muzzles of their stubby blasters revealed their location .
27 Bernice had never seen such sadness in his eyes — in anyone 's eyes .
28 The refectory door was open again , and standing in it , filling it , was the most grotesquely fat woman that Bernice had ever seen .
29 Kathleen had always seen the sense of things , once they were explained .
30 Minto was ‘ more excited ’ than Warnie had ever seen her when he returned from Aldershot far week-end leave , happy to leave behind him his fellow-officers , whom he nicknamed the Aldershits .
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