Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The social taboo placed on discussion of birth control and sexuality , and the acceptance by a majority of middle class women of the idea that they lacked sexual drives — what Judith Walkowitz has called the doctrine of passionlessness — meant that little information was likely to come within the purview of women generally .
2 Their front was protected by the Glen , and the foothills in which they deployed their forces , low though they lay , were well-grown with bushes and clumps of trees almost to the waterside , and afforded a clear field of vision before them .
3 The hills have clumps of rocks precariously balanced on them .
4 Hypnagogic experiences may also reflect after-images of activities protractedly engaged in during the preceding day .
5 Eurosterling bonds were first issued in 1972 ; they have all the characteristics of eurobonds rather than those of domestic or bulldog bonds , and the main issuers have been UK building societies , seeking long-term funds to finance their home loans .
6 We shall look at the characteristics of bills more carefully in a moment .
7 In particular , more still needs to be known about the characteristics of patients most likely to benefit from treatment .
8 It overlooks the fact that people with impairments have different needs from people without impairments , and the uniformity it introduces means that the specific needs and characteristics of individuals often go unrecognised .
9 We welcome all sorts of investors here on fair terms .
10 What 's the problem with this new switchboard , has it settled down now or we were getting all sorts of complaints initially
11 They seem to get up to all sorts of things nowadays .
12 However anyone is welcome to these meetings , we do discuss all sorts of things not just topics related to work .
13 We watch television and video 's , we go shopping , we do all sorts of things together , because we like each others company .
14 A lot of these were books written by moralistic females ; books which erm reflected various kinds of Victorian ideas , and much later on when I did some research in Oxford on Victorian literature I found a way of putting these two sorts of things together .
15 But when you start to think about it in terms of erm sort of psychological explanation as you 're becoming used to , then it becomes perhaps not such a good way of thinking about perception Matlin 's got some very examples in it of this of those sorts of things By and large were concerned with people 's experience , self-reported experience quite often , of the phenomena saying well tell me what you see when you look at it rather than being based on the sort of lovely stuff that we love , good solid empirical data , yeah ?
16 I 've never talked so much in my life and they were interested , they were , I got all sorts of things in , Britannicus and Henry VIII and The Broken Heart and The Winter 's Tale and feminine endings and they did n't stop me , they said go on — oh and Satan 's speech to Eve in the garden — I was in a place of my own — oh glory . "
17 But I liked er general work , it , it brought all sorts of things in .
18 ‘ Oh , I 've been a schoolteacher , a receptionist , a chambermaid , all sorts of things really . ’
19 And other costs , such as readers and having to buy books because you ca n't borrow them for long enough from libraries to get them recorded or brailled , er those sorts of things really are n't taken account of and you 're simply going to have to borrow money er to pay for your disability in effect .
20 However , if you are charming and efficient you may actually get booked again by the venue : Similarly , all sorts of things often go wrong on stage , and the golden rule here is not to communicate mistakes to the audience .
21 Tee-shirts and er sweat shirts and all sorts of things so we can take them along , so that 's , that 's Saturday the m , seventh of March , if you think you can help at all see Avriel afterwards .
22 Oh he 's all sorts of things then ?
23 And it 's the same t squeezing boils and all sorts of things out of other people you know .
24 So then John , he tries all sorts of things out , you know doughnuts and things like that and it 's a thermostatically controlled
25 I need to know that it 's necessary to remove all those trees I 've been told all sorts of things like they 're in pots and they 'll become pot bound they 're growing outwards they might fall down they might fracture mains they block off the er view of the church well I think they 're a nice asset in the city centre .
26 Well they can physically do it to you with use of fists , use of hands and whatever else they 've got and they can mentally do it to you like put you in jail that or all sorts of things like when I was on sick leave , they came and lifted me .
27 ‘ But there were all sorts of things there : salami , figs , even baked beans .
28 I mean there are , there , there were erm all sorts of things there .
29 But even when it breaks down there are all sorts of reasons why a couple could benefit by continuing to cooperate , and treating their divorce , too , as nonzero sum .
30 Moreover , when one group of enterprises is given the privilege of retaining foreign exchange while others are obliged to apply for administrative allocations , which they know that they will frequently not receive , or to buy foreign exchange on the black market at a high price , the latter enterprises begin to think of all sorts of reasons why they too should receive part of the foreign exchange proceeds of exports .
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