Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finings , a glutinous substance made from the bladder of the sturgeon , is added either at the conditioning stage or when the beer is in cask to fine or clear the beer .
2 Finings , a glutinous liquid made from the swim bladder of the sturgeon , is also added : this slowly clears the beer of its yeasty deposits .
3 Like the ideologists of the left , the libertarians are concerned to elaborate a political philosophy and then drastically transform the world in accordance with that philosophy .
4 The libertarians , in common with the ideologists of the left , whose tactics they often self-consciously copy , frequently find themselves in conflict with their own party , which they claim is insufficiently ideological ( Durham , 1985 ; Gamble , 1986 ) .
5 He indicates that he is looking for £150m.The defence division had appeared as a ‘ blot on our copy books ’ , he said — pre-tax profits at the business plunged to £1.5m from £13.2m , and turnover slipped to £425m from the £436.5m of a year ago .
6 His hair and skin are dark , like a gipsy 's , but he has the manners of a gentleman .
7 He came into the carriage in his khaki uniform , this great English bear with the manners of a gentleman , and asked if he could smoke .
8 ‘ Apart from arrogance , bad temper , selfishness , and the manners of a dictator ? ’
9 He seemed a courtly gentleman with the inbred manners of a diplomat .
10 In the streets they affect the manners of a pantomime dame to gain attention : they pinch men 's buttocks , purposely make buffoons of themselves , but are quick to take offence .
11 You 've got the manners of a pig .
12 His capacity for controversy in such social encounters had gained Johnson a great deal of his divinity in English letters , but in Scotland , with the good manners of a visitor necessarily prevailing , such intercourse invariably proved pleasant , Lord Monboddo 's house typically thus .
13 ‘ The manners of a bull elephant , ’ was Monica 's elegant description .
14 Miraculously cured of back pains just before he had joined the NSC , he had joined a charismatic Episcopal congregation , in which he kept the church manners of a Catholic ; and where appeals for the contras were concerned he could take either voice , as necessary .
15 Moreover , the actual life and manners of the peasantry are by no means clear , and the historians are divided over whether the late age of marriage , dictated by the impossibility of marriage before an economic slot opened for the man , meant compulsory restraint or a social toleration of masturbation , oral and anal sex , and homosexuality .
16 ( I am anxious that you should understand the customs and manners of the country where the events in question took place , so different from your own .
17 The manners of the Inhabitants annihilated whatever tender ideas of pleasure my Fancy rather than my Memory had pictured to my Expectation .
18 This equestrian portrait ( by Franz Casanova ) conveys Peter 's commitment to Russian military might and also the costume and manners of the west .
19 Almost without exception , if any comment is made it includes a reference to the immense improvement in the health and manners of the children and to their gains in weight …
20 Internal evidence in regard to such details as the use of motor cars or the social idiom and manners of the characters suggests the first two decades of our century but the wise reader will accept a certain anonymity as an integral part of the fiction .
21 He reached into any dip of information for enlightenment on the customs and manners of the people of Oceania .
22 As is his wont , the novelist delivers an appropriate come-uppance to not-so-eminent Edwardians who adopt the pompous manners of the Empire and refuse to acknowledge that the rest of the world is due to move on .
23 The point could be put differently by suggesting that in his notions of a " community of Christians " and " parochial units " he displayed little understanding of the nature of English life — his grasp of it was theoretical rather than actual ; just as he adopted almost too perfectly the dress and manners of an Englishman , so he offered an idealized and therefore unconvincing account of English society .
24 Michael Lee , although he dressed , talked and had the manners of an Englishman , was a half-caste — it showed in the vaguely Oriental slant to his features , and the slight pigmentation of his skin .
25 However , it is now clear that many legal matters never emerge even for legal assistance , let alone litigation , because they are never identified as legal problems by the sufferers , or never reach lawyers , or , having reached lawyers , are not recognised as problems within the purview of the law .
26 As with conventions , they are beyond the purview of the courts .
27 Restoring their land fell within the purview of the bill because in 1948 the Slovak government had agreed that many Hungarians should get their land back , but the decision had never been implemented .
28 Mr. Davis felt constrained to accept that such a case might be within the purview of the legislation .
29 Concern for the poor , and the distribution of alms , responsibility for widows and orphans , and also the visitation of those in prison , all of which came to be recognized as being within the purview of the Church in legal texts , derived from the New Testament .
30 In other words , it was the settled view of European law , at that stage in its development , that upon accession , a member state abandoned sovereign control over its affairs to the extent that they fell within the purview of the Treaty of Rome , as interpreted by the European Court of Justice .
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