Example sentences of "[noun] and being [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The whispered words were the first brave Leslie , 29 , spoke after regaining consciousness and being taken off a life support machine .
2 I already know there 's no time limit between committing a murder and being charged with it .
3 The main threats to the plants appear to be casual picking by admiring walkers and being dug up by serious collectors .
4 So , if you ever see anyone roaring along the street on a motorbike wearing a suit of armour with a carpet in his mouth and being pelted with armadillos , you 'll know what he 's been up to …
5 Sarah says it 's like being in the condemned cell and being let out .
6 I remember in my early months , often being cornered by the other choir boys after service or practice and being asked to say the collect for the week , which we always had to learn for Sunday school .
7 One 's always in the dock and being questioned , is n't one ?
8 A fine example was found in Lincoln in 1866 and is now in the British Museum ( fig. 14.4 ) , i others came from Richborough ( fig. 14.5 ) and from a grave at Colchester on a Castor Box on which a lion appears in a venatio and being held at bay by a nude bestiarius with a long hunting spear .
9 She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters : from her mother dying when she was six years old , through to the latest traumas of seeing her cat killed by a car and being made redundant .
10 Maggie asked as she was once again in the car and being driven away from her flat .
11 After a while she became more accustomed to the extreme dark and quite enjoyed blowing out the light and being swallowed up by the billowing darkness .
12 Mr Carter droned on about the United States not being strong any more and being too afraid of the Russian bear and being out-traded and so on .
13 Although a lot of his story is still relevant to us cos you can see it in today 's life when people stand up for themselves or stand up for their faith or what they believe in and you look around you , you can see violence and being done to them .
14 Even if the child were ‘ demand fed ’ , its environment and parents ' sleep would tend to decrease the likelihood of its waking and being fed at night in comparison with the daytime .
15 If all the weight is on one side and being lugged along , it will upset the natural poise and balance of the body .
16 I 'd be very interested to know er in terms of U turns which I 'll come back to , how he 's going to deal with the next item on the agenda er , whereby the Liberal Democrats have been consistent about their policy in general with a lot of obstruction and being caused problems and how Mr will agree in this chamber to actually close some people 's homes , old people 's homes
17 and he is n't in my opinion really considering half the other jobs , but he has said that he wants that and by the mercy of providence this business of Lee being flung out by Andy and being put back onto the into the job centre coincides with my being very tight on money .
18 This whole thing of the bride being , well often not , but frogmarched down the aisle and being transferred from being her father 's property to being her husband 's property
19 It hardly seems necessary to talk about such things as nuclear winters and being fried by ultra-violet radiation .
20 In no time they were installed at a table by the window and being attended by a stately woman with an enormous bosom and a monument of granite-coloured hair .
21 A lecturer visiting a student on teaching practice tells of being mistaken for a parent and being kept standing in a cold corridor while behind a closed door the head shouted and screamed at a tearful child .
22 After five years of living with the natives and being offered the delicacy of a human thumb by cannibals — a feast which he gracefully declined — Terry was feeling homesick .
23 This comes in the wake of a Labour Party survey showing fundholders nationally making profits as high as £100,000 and being given four times the amount non-fundholders are for spending on computers .
24 I thought that a smacked bottom and being sent to bed very early that evening was hardly just reward for aping my elders .
25 So the solving of your mystery should be a much more gradual affair than any sudden flash of revelation coming to the hero and being kept under his deerstalker till almost the last page .
26 CITA , Britain 's leading stress counselling agency , developed the tape programme last year after starting anxiety clinics in GPs ' surgeries and being beseiged by people wanting help .
27 Meanwhile , the academy was alighting on the castle hillside and being welcomed by the chief magician and all the other witches and magicians .
28 Finally , besides working on geometry and being influenced by its methods , Hobbes gives it , as the science of simple motions , a foundational role in the explanatory system of his Elements .
29 BRITAIN 's independent watchdog for genetic manipulation and the growing biotechnology industry is on the verge of losing its independence and being consumed inside the Health and safety Executive ( HSE ) .
30 In this city where everything is possible , and he cuts such a figure in his light suit and striped silk tie , and is 32 and full of self-confidence , and can walk up to a girl he has never seen before and with a disarming smile ask her when lighting-up time is — how can he be wearing a maroon crew-necked sweater , and cavalry twill trousers with turnups , and be 22 , and find himself running after a girl and being told that she may or may not see him tomorrow ?
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