Example sentences of "[noun] and that they " in BNC.

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1 It would n't have taken much brains to realise that Leeds would have a large number of travelling fans and that they would like to eat .
2 Developing an information set from properly-defined critical success factors will ensure that it includes all the required key performance indicators and that they are supported by the full range of internal and external , financial and non-financial information that is necessary .
3 Raven Thomson was deemed not to be insulting when he said at Bethnal Green in March 1937 that he had the utmost contempt for the Jews and that they were ‘ the most miserable type of humanity , ’ but an Inspector Jones was overruled when he reported that Mick Clarke had used no inflammatory language at the same venue in June 1937 , when other police shorthand notes stated that Clarke had called the Jews ‘ greasy Scum ’ and ‘ the lice of the earth ’ .
4 Darci Alves confessed to sole responsibility , in what was seen as an attempt to get his father acquitted , but a key prosecution witness , Genesio Ferreira da Silva , 15 , a former employee and relative of the Alves family , stated that he had overheard both of them plotting the murder and that they had celebrated its successful execution with a barbecue .
5 Both Brazilians say they are happy away from the pressures of a big club and that they want to stay .
6 The team working on the Elton project says it 's had definite results — increasing some children 's concentration and that they join in more than before .
7 Repeated surveys have shown that a large majority of people remain convinced that Britain is much more strike-prone than other industrial countries , that strikes cause severe economic disruption and that they are a major contributor to the country 's industrial decline ( Taylor , 1980 , p.13 ) .
8 For instance , if the directors of the smaller company have had to issue consideration shares at a significant discount to the market price in order to persuade shareholders of the larger company to accept the offer the minority may argue that not only have they been diluted unfairly but also that this has resulted in control passing into the hands of third parties and that they are , effectively , investors in an entirely different company without having been given the opportunity to accept an offer or exercise their rights of challenge under CA 1985 , s430C .
9 Frederick did not care to see that these ambitions could only be satisfied at Poland 's expense and that they threatened Poland 's existence .
10 ‘ Now we 're saying that there has to be a complete ban on overtime and that they should resist moral blackmail . ’
11 Experimental studies have also demonstrated that young babies can separate a continuous stream of speech sounds into discrete phonetic units and that they are sensitive to phonemic changes — for example , the difference between/p/ and/d/ — only a few weeks after birth ( Eimas et al .
12 According to second-hand reports of the conversation Krishchaty said that the body was lying on the ground at about 8,250m and that they had passed it two or three times .
13 He found now he was speaking to all the eagles in the Cages and that they were listening to him .
14 Research for the 1974 Press Commission confirmed both that they enjoyed their paper less than readers of the populars and that they would miss it worse if deprived of it .
15 All these questions ( and there are others ) imply that media workers are but ciphers and that they transmit the views of others .
16 Yeah but the pictures and that they are on Sky Television
17 They , they asked that it be done on a Friday and a Saturday and that they appeared on Thursday with it , erm , I 'm getting on with it .
18 Clearly the mines were once again working , and a year later , Gibson wrote again to Sir Michael in London , advising that there were 17 or 18 men constantly at work and that they were getting a good quantity of ore … about 15 tons were then ready for weighing .
19 Men who took such actions clearly felt that they had a secure prospect of work and that they did not need to be particularly submissive to their lords .
20 What is clear is that business managers are pulled in many directions and that they must and do make choices among alternative objectives ’ .
21 Thus the percentage of the poll gained by UUUC was again over 50% in the third election within fifteen months and the result of the election suggests again that the majority of voters in Northern Ireland will not have an institutionalised Irish dimension and that they are profoundly suspicious of any party which is prepared to share power with those whose explicit or implicit aim seems to be to " destroy the state " .
22 They must be made to understand that they are not above the law and that they are answerable to the people who elected them and whom they are supposed to represent .
23 Those arrangements or agreements with , with us are within the law and that they 're between consenting adults , I do n't know what else they 're gon na think of banning .
24 Fleischmann and Pons knew that they had no hopes of completing their work by May and that they could lose the race if Jones went public so soon .
25 It is expected that the members of the team of consultants will be announced in May and that they will be given six months to complete the report , which will be published towards the end of the year .
26 We are satisfied that our procedures meet the requirements of the Financial Services Act and that they continue to follow best practice to minimise the risk of fraud or unauthorised transactions .
27 But the company insists there will still be a need to build the reservoir and that they would do all they can to minimise the impact it makes on the surrounding countryside when that happens .
28 AS OUR ship 's company — some 50 passengers and the same number of crew — assembled on the dockside , there were wry remarks that nothing else was like our old tub and that they would sail the Nile in none other .
29 There is a feeling that they need to develop educational approaches that are based on indigenous conceptions of social service rather than Western urban industrial models and that they should be seeking ways of maximizing the contribution of front-line personnel , either through the direct provision of training or by teaching their graduates how to train and make optimum use of front-line workers ( University Grants Commission , 1980 ; Siddiqui , 1984 ) .
30 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that the Government will remain firm against raising the present European Community budget ceiling and that they will continue to encourage EC financing arrangements based on supply-side economics , not on the massive transfers of money between one country and another through the Commission ?
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