Example sentences of "[noun] and give her " in BNC.

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1 He spoke without looking at her , in case his gaze rested on her bare legs and gave her ideas .
2 Angela stripe , co-owner of Clayton-Stripe International and a former member of Britain 's World Cup team , took one Madonna look-alike and gave her five fab hairstyles !
3 To give a better understanding of how Schmincke 's Soft Pastels perform , we asked Jackie to outline her working methods and give her judgement on the Schmincke range : ‘ Working with pastels is , for me , a constant joy : I am hooked !
4 And she had asked him what would have happened to her if she had not had these good friends who had come to her aid and given her shelter , and when , in the form of an excuse , his answer had been , did n't she realize that he was distracted ? she had come back with , did n't he realize he had almost killed a man , that he was lucky he was n't in gaol now answering a charge of murder ?
5 Gloucester undertook to settle the countess ' debts to a total of £240 and to give her unspecified sums for the performance of her last will .
6 Gloucester undertook to settle the countess ' debts to a total of £240 and to give her unspecified sums for the performance of her last will .
7 There was no evidence of actual impropriety , you see , but Puddephat admitted he 'd been friendly with the girl and given her extra coaching .
8 Rosalba closed her eyes , and beseeched heaven , not for the first time , ‘ Dear Lady , Lady who has known tears and cares and the love of God on earth , please help Serafina and give her lots of milk so she can make money and give her strength and stop people being unkind to her .
9 When she was rescued by the local authorities and given her present welfare flat , she asked that her address be kept a secret .
10 She wrote eighteen more novels , none of them distinguished or now read , enabling her to live alone in relative comfort for sixty years and to give her only son the best upper-class education that her country could provide at that time .
11 Soon she will come out of the shed and give her orders .
12 And , again in contrast to being a useful , helpful sensible little girl , was her cosy friendship with the changing series of under-housemaids who laughed so readily at her jokes and gave her lumps of sugar from morning tea trays — sometimes it was a peppermint .
13 You know , the one I told you about — She asked me to cut her toenails and give her feet a wash . ’
14 ‘ That 's a shame , ’ said Miranda and gave her hair three strokes backwards with her brush to make it puff .
15 BAND OF GOLD SUPER Sally Gunnell stands proudly on top of the winner 's rostrum in Barcelona last night and gives her treasured gold medal a big kiss .
16 She was paid four shillings a week and given her midday meal .
17 ‘ If she took her poor child back to his father and gave her husband a second chance , she would n't need money . ’
18 She washed swiftly , brushed her drying hair into softer curls , then flicked on some mascara and gave her lips a touch of colour before bearding the lion in his den .
19 She went to the counter and gave her order , then as she sat down again , she said , ‘ I mean it , Sophie .
20 Camille fell to her knees from the sofa and gave her mother 's leg a patronizing pat .
21 A female was believed to come back after a night 's hunt and give her milk to whichever baby grabbed her teat first .
22 She came to the hospital and gave her details .
23 They were really much more than just bike rides , for Granny , who lived with the family , had told her the story of St. George and given her books about Brownies , and Brenda rode along the country lanes make-believing she was the knight riding to rescue the princess from the dragon .
24 He called Directory Enquiries and gave her name .
25 Evelyn peered through the newly installed spyhole after turning on the porch light , unfastened the two fresh locks and gave her visitor a radiant smile .
26 Cllr Kidd was awarded £7,850 in back pay and given her job back last month .
27 Helen would n't hold on to anything properly in case mosquitoes jumped out of the suitcases and gave her malaria .
28 He kept her company and gave her support when she was pregnant and did n't like to go out .
29 ‘ He went to the auld mither and gave her money .
30 The Duchess lowered her cup of coffee and gave her young friend a compassionate look .
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