Example sentences of "[noun] and see his " in BNC.

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1 As the tube pulled into Westminster station Trevor Magee looked directly across the compartment and saw his own reflection in the glass .
2 Full-back Hay had the first attempt and saw his shot only partially blocked by a hesitant Snelders .
3 No , to-morrow was time enough to reclaim Barbarossa and see his friends again .
4 Our son Greg came over for a few days to do some business in England and to see his father .
5 Louise was astonished by the sudden improvement ; she could feel the warmth returning to her father 's limbs and see his breathing becoming easier every moment .
6 Now I do n't suppose he 'll never get to his home and see his wile again .
7 If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him , how can the love of God be in him ?
8 Go to Pike 's shop and see his Kallista range .
9 He stood at the lit window of his hotel room and saw his own reflection , and beyond it the room , and in that ghost-world the image of Tom Carey walking to and fro , a glassy shadow .
10 He would lie awake at night and see his father 's crumbling figure , the leap of blood like a scarlet fountain , would hear the harshly whispered words .
11 When she finally turned over a page and saw his name , it seemed oddly unreal .
12 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
13 My vision is of a team pulling together with a common aim and purpose to give glory to God and see His Kingdom extended in our part of the South Side of Glasgow .
14 In Britain the representative bureaucrat involved in space has a non-technical background and sees his task as restraining the expensive ambitions of the ‘ space lobby ’ .
15 Joyce has now learned to honour her father 's memory and to see his worth .
16 A D-V flashed across , firing and missing ; Richards got off a burst and saw his bullets rip open the fuselage .
17 Scott Gemmill played a one-two with Lee Glover and saw his shot blocked , but Glover picked up the loose ball to ram it low past Thorsvedt .
18 Eisenhower was essentially a moderate in politics and saw his role as one of " holding the line " between extremes , either of conservatism or liberalism .
19 I went to his house and saw his studio and we had tea in his kitchen .
20 Eltharion lost nearly all of his family and saw his ancestral lands ravaged and burned in the cataclysmic Goblin invasion of Yvresse led by Grom the Paunch .
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