Example sentences of "[noun] and go up " in BNC.

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1 Patrick took his tea and went up to the first floor , to the long landing window which looked over the village green .
2 We drove onto the boat and got out of our cars and went up further to the boat .
3 He got out of the car and went up and down on his haunches a few times to ease some of the stiffness from his legs , then started to walk the mile or so back to the hotel gates .
4 Here , in an empty silence , he unpacked his bicycle panniers and went up to the pantry where the bulk of the xerox squatted amongst unsavoury tea-towels beside a tea-stained sink .
5 SHARES shook off a massive jump in the jobless figure and went up again yesterday .
6 Start at the bottom and go up the top .
7 It 's no good starting at the bottom and going up because then you 've lost the the punch have n't you .
8 I decided to take the boat from Ireland and go up to Scotland .
9 Pitching : the inner is erected in about four minutes and goes up first .
10 When they returned to the house , Terry tried to persuade her to accompany her to visit one of her girlfriends , for a sort of hen night , she supposed , but Ellie pleaded tiredness and went up to her room , and that , except for a brief trip to the kitchen for something to eat , was where she stayed .
11 Some evening she and Andrew would separate on the halfway landing and go up by different flights to meet and kiss at the top .
12 For days he backed the little transport box into the huge mound and went up and down the fields in lines , stopping the tractor every few yards to scatter the lime , tossing each shovelful on the wind for the white dust to be blown out over the grass .
13 Jump down and go right , cross the river on the cake and go up on the platforms , collect the cocoa bean at the top of the platforms , go back down the platforms , go left across the river , jump up on the sherbet fountain and collect the blue object above you , go straight left along the platforms and throw the blue object at the button to start the lift , go up on the lifts and collect the cocoa bean , go down , left , down , left across the rivers and into the cup to complete the level .
14 The cloud is like a magnet so the water goes through the cracks and goes up .
15 Carey left his room and went up to Ellwood 's .
16 Pooley deposited the tray in the Coffee Room and went up to the gallery where Fishbane was awaiting a summons .
17 If we go back up to the corner of Rua de Carreira and Avenida Zarco and go up Rua das Pretas , we come to the Church of São Pedro which was completed in 1598 and then extensively restored in 1747–8 , when the front was altered .
18 Go right and push the crate onto the button , go up on the lift and to the left , push the crate off the edge of the platform , go up on the lift and right , climb up six platforms and push the crate left , fall left and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , jump onto the ledges on the wall and go up , go right , up , left , up , push the crate right , fall down , push the crate right into the button , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , drop down to the stationary lift , go left then up , push the crate down , right , right , left , right and right onto the button .
19 I had just passed my RAF selection and went up to Soho with a couple of mates to celebrate .
20 The depth gauge tells you how deep you are an essential piece of equipment prices start at 20 pounds and lastly the backpack this hold the tank on your back prices start at 20 pounds and go up to 310 pounds the expensive one include an integrated life jacket which is adjustable .
21 and then we can go to the tube station and go up to Kilburn
22 Tufnell bowling from the end , round the wicket with a five , four field , that one er just ugly-looking thing there er DaSilva just thrusts his leg out about side leg stump of the ball and hit the pads and goes up .
23 Go left , down , right , then fall down , push the crate onto the button and go up on the lift , then left along the lower platform , push the crate left onto the switch , fall down , then go up on the lift , collect the speaker , fall down , go right and up on the lift , go left along the top platform , go up and left , go up on the lift , and continue going up on the platforms .
24 into the library and go up and sit at the C D ROM terminal .
25 If war had not broken out , they would have married , but when the Kleibers were sent away to prison-camp , her last hope of love and security collapsed ; that was when she left the Island and went up West .
26 He left school before the last lesson at three , went into town for pie and chips , got stocked up with coke and doughnuts for supper and went up to Firelight 's field .
27 They walked to the lift and went up to the fourth floor .
28 Go back to the lift and go up , carry the weight to the button and drop it on the button to start the swing , stand on the swing and fly up-right , collect the weight above you and throw it onto the button next to the swing , go back to where you grabbed the weight , go left , collect the weight , go right to the wall and fall down , throw the weight on the button , go up , left , up the pipe , collect the flower and go down the pipe .
29 I finished the novel and went up to the Hill to watch the CIA-BCCI hearings .
30 The computer reads the message and goes up .
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