Example sentences of "[noun] and go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Corbett nodded , rose and moved away ; he emptied his bladder and went to a nearby stream to bathe his hands and face in the cold clear water .
2 Always taking cold which settles in the nose , throat or ears and goes to the chest .
3 Anyone who became insolvent by keeping no books , never taking stock and going on year after year without knowing how their affairs stood , was like a child at school who found to his surprise that he had but one halfpenny left in his pocket .
4 SelectMail for both operating systems will be available in April — prices are the same for both versions and start at $156 and go to $3,6000 .
5 Duncan Smith , prosecuting , said the two men were unhappy with the business deal and went to Mr Hawthorne 's home with a crowbar and a handgun .
6 Most people stretch their legs and go into the stations .
7 Well , it was late — the simplest answer would be to drop the book on the floor , throw off his T-shirt and his jeans , and crawl under the covers and go to sleep .
8 I got into bed beside my sleeping daughter , peeled aside all but one of the covers and went to sleep .
9 Follow the pre-race qualifying sessions and go behind the scenes for exclusive pictures and interviews with the teams .
10 She bought six first-class stamps , took a pound coin from her purse and went into the automatic photo booth .
11 It may well be that the canny consumer , after benefiting from retailers ' losing their nerve and going into early reductions in 1991 , was waiting for the same to happen again .
12 Bluetts , one of London 's top Chinese art dealers , has announced its closure and gone into receivership .
13 Director General Sir Michael Checkland put a question mark over favourites like Big Break , Telly Addicts and Going For Gold yesterday .
14 Shut your eyes and go to sleep .
15 Close your eyes and go to sleep .
16 Duncan sat back , shut his eyes and went over what the policeman had said .
17 Came down Halam Hill and went down School Lane .
18 She could n't summon up a whacky death-dealing reply and went into their mother 's beautiful garden to cry .
19 David bounded up from his seat and went towards the door .
20 He tossed them on to the back seat and went to the passenger side of the car .
21 It was agreed by Mrs Buckingham , who had always resisted the false belief about the pain in her daughter 's back , that Harriet should stop lying around on the hall seat and go to a school founded in the 1840S for the further education of gentlewomen .
22 Anyone who thinks owning a diesel spells the end of driving fun , should park their backside in the AX 's comfortable , supportive driver 's seat and go for a quick ride .
23 ‘ And you 're wrong , ’ he says , getting out of his seat and going to the corner of the room .
24 ‘ Sorry , ’ Andy muttered , not sounding sorry at all , getting unsteadily out of his seat and going to where the bits of glass lay broken on the carpet .
25 I got their programme and went to a lecture by Michel Odent who wrote Entering the World , a book that had really impressed me .
26 ‘ So he lit up his owd bit of clay pipe , put his hands to the plough and went after his horses .
27 He announces his inability to arouse Sir Ralph , is about to return and unlock Whitton 's chamber himself , then changes his mind and goes for Colebrooke the lieutenant .
28 I was going to open it myself but changed my mind and went for Colebrooke . ’
29 He had intended to visit Matthew 's bedroom alone but changed his mind and went to the kitchen .
30 Grace was staying with her sister and brother-in-law and went with them to have dinner with Herbert at the end of August 1923 ; her account of the meeting is that ‘ lightning struck ’ and three weeks later they were married .
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