Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb -s] she " in BNC.

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1 It was as if , all of a sudden , all the hidden anxieties and fears she had hidden so expertly were now overwhelming her .
2 Cranog Jones denies attempting to gas his ex-wife and claims she made the story up .
3 There is normally a strip on the front cover , about the comic 's namesake , Bunty , and the pranks and scrapes she gets into .
4 She is looking for work and thinks she may be forced to move to London in search of a job .
5 She has never had to compete with private collectors for company archives and hopes she never has to .
6 But Carla has denied ever having an affair with Mick and says she has never even been to Thailand .
7 Her camp confirms the lengths to which Kylie is prepared to go to maintain the environment-friendly campaign and reveals she REFUSES to handle everyday plastics , because they can not be broken down naturally and pose a threat to the habitat .
8 She paints hearts in lots of different colours and says she has no intention of branching out into other organs of the body .
9 Then she telephones one day and says she wants her stuff delivered bloody quick .
10 She felt so strongly about the situation she removed Christopher , now 13 , from mainstream education and says she is still hoping to have his LEA provision reviewed .
11 Grace has 35 to 40 regular customers per week and says she owes much of her success to the course , which has helped her become more confident as a businesswoman and as a boss .
12 Sarah also had to adjust to Rob 's new role and admits she had to change her approach from being the ‘ bossy older sister ’ to treating Rob as an equal .
13 A girl who pummels a destructive little brother who ruins her toys and finds she is the one who gets into trouble feels hurt and angry .
14 Ellie ran upstairs , threw off her old blouse and skirt and her much darned stockings , and got hurriedly dressed in her Sunday best , yet another variation on the plain black dress with detachable collar and cuffs she had been wearing for as long as she could remember .
15 A self-confessed eternal optimist — ‘ I always see things as a winning situation ’ — she loves challenges and admits she has a low boredom threshold .
16 A woman of 65 inches weighs 132 lb. and thinks she is medium-framed .
17 She loves music and says she 'd like to sing in a band .
18 she comes out of the bush and says she wants a highwayman to take her .
19 So , when Rune 's English gave way to Danish once more , she made her own translation of the words , inventing the compliments and vows she wanted to hear , feeling her pulse respond more rapidly still as his voice deepened and shook with fervour .
20 Then she hears something sizzling on the other side of the restaurant and decides she will have ‘ sizzling chicken ’ .
21 The causes and concerns she focuses on will be of her choice .
22 Star Woody wants custody of three children from his 12-year relationship with Mia and claims she is a bad mother .
23 She was busy stuffing our cupboards , the fridge and the freezer with the food and supplies she had brought from the town .
24 One of the nurses rings back , discusses the situation and says she will ring the hospital and/or his GP to see what can be done .
25 But Sue Grayson Ford has an impressive and commendable history and says she thrives on challenges .
26 Squatting in front of the fire door , Jess battled with a little pyramid of dried hay and sticks she had built under the copper .
27 His mother had shown him lots of things , photographs and even odds and ends she 'd had as a child , but she 'd never shown him her wedding-dress .
28 The touches and caresses she thought would be so familiar were strange and exciting and erotic .
29 That was bad enough , but when he told my daughter it started three weeks after they married and lasted until three months ago , she threw him out and she 's changed the locks of the house and says she will divorce him .
30 She demonstrates her first admission of remorse and indicates she feels too guilty to enjoy her new position as queen .
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