Example sentences of "[noun] and [is] at " in BNC.

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1 Preferences bring us to Regan who is rightfully critical of the counter-intuitive implications of Frey 's blanket denials of beliefs , desires , perceptions , emotions , and so on to animals and is at great pains to stress their similarities of behaviour to that of human beings .
2 Man is a primate and is at the top of the range of species , followed by gorillas , orang-utans and chimpanzees ; tarsiers and lemurs represent the lower end of development .
3 It can take some comfort from the rise of 7.5 per cent in its vote and from the fact that it came second to Labour in so many seats and is at last beginning to nibble at Labour 's huge majorities in the Central Belt .
5 They were Miss Margaret ( Peggy ) Herbison , who is the oldest surviving Scottish woman MP , having served in the Labour Party cabinet in the 1960s ; Councillor Sheila Ritchie , who has been a Liberal Democrat councillor in Gordon for a number of years and is at present a member of the party 's National Executive Committee ; and Miss Ann Hay , who is an influential key organiser for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Association in Edinburgh .
6 Spit and polish and the mindless regime of kit preparation have never been guiding principles in the Light Division ; nonetheless , each recruit takes a pride in his appearance and is at pains to ensure that his turnout is of the highest standard .
7 It is run by the intelligence unit of the immigration service and is at Harmondsworth near Heathrow Airport , where the service runs its detention centres .
8 The Moscato di Pantelleria from Marco de Bartoli has a glistening mahogany colour and is at once aromatic , grapy and intensely rich .
9 But , more specifically still , he saw fascist mentality as ‘ the mentality of the little man who is enslaved and craves authority and is at the same time rebellious . ’
10 The only Son , who is the same as God and is at the Father 's side … .
11 The only Son , who is the same as God and is at the Father 's side , he has made Him known .
12 Dr Florin retains a strong commitment to communication and is at present reading up on Eastern Christian icons with a view to writing something on the subject .
13 As Anne has a couple of children and is at home all day she often does lots of baking but also lots of nibbling !
14 That is why London Association for the Blind extends its help to people throughout the country and is at work in your area .
15 The id is the centre of primitive desires and is at its most powerful , indeed it is extremely powerful , in the first months of life .
16 ( Hons. ) degree from the University of Leicester and is at present a supply teacher to Surrey County Council , teaching French and German .
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