Example sentences of "[noun] and [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By the age of 3 years most children can voluntarily initiate emptying a full bladder and later a partly full bladder .
2 There are many medical treatments for incontinence , which include medicines , exercises , ‘ retraining ’ the bladder and occasionally an operation to repair the bladder .
3 but then , is , does it not , the next point then does not er what Mr say have relevant cause , because if there is this risk which in the purposes of the argument rule , start if you like as a wheel and not a , a , a , a , a fanciful risk , the reasons yourself just put forward , er then it must follow that there is a risk , er that erm the members agents will not be able to call on names to provide the funds
4 Note that a brake drum is part of the wheel and not the braking system .
5 Mr Tuckett was at the wheel and obviously the family business was doing OK .
6 By early 1937 Waismann completed Logik , Sprache , Philosophie , but the Anschluss and later the invasion of Holland frustrated his plans for publishing the German text .
7 ‘ We 've had a lot of positive feedback from the people of the Borough and even a letter of thanks — something which is almost unheard of in our business ! ’
8 Sandor Rado , in an article devoted to the elucidation of manic-depressive disorders , expresses the opinion that ‘ At the bottom of the melancholiac 's profound dread of impoverishment there is really simply a dread of starvation … drinking at the mother 's breast remains the radiant image of unremitting , forgiving love , ’ and he adds that ‘ It is certainly no mere chance that the Madonna nursing the Child has become the emblem of a mighty religion and thereby the emblem of a whole epoch in our Western civilization .
9 Alongside all this , gaining momentum in the second half of the century , was a new taxonomic and labelling zeal which attempted to classify ‘ scientifically ’ the characteristics and increasingly the aetiologies of the forms of sexual variety , and in so doing helped construct them as objects of study and as sexual categories .
10 There are also a number of villas ( country houses ) at Pompeii and here the plan is quite different .
11 The fallacy in the plaintiffs ' argument lay in the assertion that the challenged paragraphs of the order of Buckley J. constituted a proprietary remedy and not a mere order for discovery .
12 This is because the important factor is the frequency of repetition of the remedy and not the quantity given .
13 On the other hand , damages are not a discretionary remedy and so the courts do not have as much control over the award of this remedy as over the judicial review remedies .
14 It was a dreadful ‘ howler ’ from a scorecard gleaned from the Press Association and not the official scoresheet .
15 The change of context can influence only an excitatory association and thus the result of Fig. 4.6 , a loss of the CR , can be expected .
16 Such research could both identify effective strategies for the training of history teachers in the light of our understanding of the nature and development of pupils ' historical thinking and further the debate on the relationship between teaching styles and pupils ' conceptual hierarchies in history .
17 Fortunately , their gibes have fallen on deaf ears and all the more credit is due to those gentlemen who , in face of considerable discouragement , have succeeded to such a marked extent . ’
18 Also there were major repairs to property to decide on , as well as seasonal considerations , and orders to transmit , with regard to land use of many thousands of acres , the annual survey of cattle and horse stock and especially the great sheep-hirsels in the Lammermuir Hills , the wool from which , largely exported to Flanders and the Low Countries from Berwick-on-Tweed , constituted the lordship 's principal source of wealth .
19 If an exogenously determined money stock can be taken for granted , then movements in money incomes and prices would not influence the money stock and so the causality must run in the direction presumed by monetarists .
20 In no way do they have a mandate to wipe out a whole stock and possibly a whole species simply for their convenience in carrying on with an unsophisticated fishing method . ’
21 It remains determined to achieve regional parity with Israel in order to compel the latter to make peace on terms favourable to itself , including a return of the Golan and possibly the 1949 demilitarized zone along the eastern edge of the Sea of Galilee to allow access to its waters .
22 The try came after good work by Gordon Lawrie and then a blindside move featuring Mike Allingham and Andy McRobbie which allowed Russell Adam to go over at the corner .
23 Before you start trying to watch home movies on your PC , remember that although Microsoft is kind enough to include a very basic multi media player and recorder ( both illustrated ) as part of the standard Windows desktop , in order to go some way towards true multi media you need a few more things : a windows multi media extension , a CD-ROM drive , a sound card and probably a new monitor , not to mention that faster machine you 've been promising yourself .
24 You 've raised two issues that I wanted to talk about , that 's the Mrs. Thatcher card and also the media manipulation .
25 She must send Mrs Rundle a card and perhaps a present but she had no money .
26 There is no room number on the key card and only the correct code punched on the card will operate and open the room door .
27 He had mentioned to them the possibility of a deal and even the likelihood of profit , and proposed that one of the laundress 's sons come with a ladder and pick the tree clean this autumn , before the mulberries matured to that soft ripeness that threatened any laundry hanging near .
28 Those who would buy more than unc logically opt for the two-part tariff and thereby the right to buy extra units at
29 We have written very carefully descriptive material of what is really happening in the experiment and then a very succinct set of instructions — do this , do that , turn the left hand knob .
30 For some authors perspective provides both the laws of perception and also the key to the true and rational representation of objects .
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