Example sentences of "[noun] be at its " in BNC.

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1 Unemployment in the United States is at its highest level for five years .
2 It is true that the confusion is at its greatest now , even amongst the Arabs themselves .
3 This effect is at its most extreme in matrix-isolated samples , where very sharp pure vibrational peaks are usually observed .
4 The ceremony is at its base one that celebrates opposition and division , the division between the genders , between the clans , between the moieties .
5 It was that hour just before dawn when the light is at its trickiest , when the spirits of the quarry are at their lowest , the hour of the hunter .
6 It should be visited only before about 8am , or after 5pm when the light is at its best , and certainly could n't be photographed successfully at any other time .
7 The Great Bear is at its lowest in the north , while the W of Cassiopeia , to the opposite side of the Pole , is near the zenith .
8 Here the River Neva is at its incredible widest , and the cold wind screams across the ice to the Peter and Paul fortress .
9 Mr Kohl 's mouth is at its mealiest in connection with the attacks on foreigners in Germany .
10 At this temperature the molten rock is at its least viscous and it flows downhill as a fiery river , splashing and bounding over minor irregularities like a mountain stream , and cascading over larger obstacles in glowing fire-falls .
11 The association dates back half a century and in some eyes was at its peak during the Reagan-Thatcher years .
12 The result was at its best the perfect fusion of continuity and change .
13 Lyndon Johnson led the Democrats in the Senate when the club was at its height in the 1950s ; however , his all-encompassing , domineering style contrasted sharply with that of later leaders .
14 Dorchester was at its busiest on market day but it was far from silent at other times .
15 Punk was at its zenith and political and cultural oppositions were intense .
16 In fact , while punk was at its phlegmy height in 1977 , Jackson was employed as musical director for Opportunity Knocks winners , Coffee and Cream .
17 The eponymous notion of Ferdinand Magellan 's men that the Mar del Sur was a Pacific sea , blessed by fine weather and pleasant breezes , was more or less coded — at least , for that region of the Ocean through which they first sailed and where their optimism was at its height .
18 When east-west tension was at its height , RAF pilots were called on daily to intercept the Bear over the North Sea .
19 This was when the Maya civilisation was at its height , during what archaeologists call the Classic period .
20 In the early part of 1939 the Kindertransporte were nearly all from Vienna , where pressure on the Jews was at its most severe .
21 At the same time , the PLO was at its lowest ebb , starved of Arab support since Yasser Arafat backed Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War , and losing ground to extremists .
22 The monster was at its most mellow that day , but still energetic enough to toss Sinar Surya 's hundred tons around in an alarming manner .
23 The story it had to tell was interesting enough : childhood and adolescence in New Zealand , university life in Australia and a stint on the literary pages of the Sydney Morning Herald ; arrival in London in the late ‘ twenties , when the Katherine Mansfield boom was at its height and there was an unusual keenness to welcome literary talent from New Zealand ; London literary life in the ‘ thirties — and so on .
24 In the early 1980s , at the same time that the home computer boom was at its height , the LaserVision videodisc was exciting considerable interest as a publishing medium .
25 Yes , their own country was in danger from the Japanese , but they stayed where the fighting was at its hardest , side by side with the British .
26 This fear was at its height in the spring and summer of 1954 .
27 The great problem for any navigator was to know where his ship was : it was relatively easy to determine the latitude , which measures distance north or south of the equator , but it was much harder to find the longitude , or distance east or west of a fixed meridian — a line from pole to pole running through all the points at which the sun is at its highest at the same moment .
28 These will prove especially useful if they refuse to stay in the shade between the hours of 11am and 2pm , when the sun is at its hottest .
29 In the position where the stator and rotor teeth are fully aligned the circuit reluctance is minimised and the magnetic flux in the stack is at its maximum value .
30 It will be evident that sexual law is at its most convoluted , in relation to social work , in the areas of work with children and ( perhaps especially in the residential field ) the handicapped .
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