Example sentences of "[noun] be made in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Did you know , ’ says Vic , ’ that ninety-six percent of the world 's microwave ovens are made in Japan , Taiwan or Korea ? ’
2 Drinks cans are made in different sizes , but most are approximately cylindrical in shape .
3 By this means events are conceptualized and interpreted , and judgments are made in the interest of better anticipating the future .
4 The majority are made in the 90-line grade , with a ⅝″ ( 1½ ) deep pile , but a number of 70-line items , sometimes with slightly lower piles , are also produced .
5 Because of this , attempts are made in many areas to examine land destined for construction work or mineral extraction before the work starts and , if possible , to record and even excavate sites threatened with destruction .
6 The profession , in whatever capacity its members act , has a powerful responsibility to ensure that the best quality responses to the ASB 's proposals are made in a spirit of constructive criticism .
7 Tremendous proposals are made in the Queen 's Speech , in particular the proposal to provide information to parents .
8 The movements and dials are made in brass and come with a range of extras .
9 The order is received by the sales office ; checks are made in the warehouse to see if the sub-assemblies are in stock ; a schedule is made in the production department and the products manufactured ; the goods are despatched by the distribution department ; and the invoice typed up in accounts and sent to the customer .
10 All patterns are made in paper to try-cut the parts , and each seam is pre-stretched in turn as the shape is built up .
11 This question is almost obsolete as far as the classroom is concerned , since almost all programmes are made in colour and you are likely to lose impact and sometimes visual information by viewing them in black and white .
12 The extent to which such improvements are made in practical agriculture will depend on a complex of other factors .
13 Every year since 1984 it has published its Directory of Computer Systems and improvements are made in every edition .
14 Gross new issues of gilt-edged stock are made in order to finance ( i ) new borrowing needs of the government ; ( ii ) the redemption of maturing government stock ; and ( iii ) net payments in sterling made by the Bank of England to acquire foreign currency .
15 Up to now , we have considered the data-oriented aspects of data analysis , but functional considerations are made in order to check the model .
16 ‘ One can only speculate what would have happened had this not been done but I seriously doubt if we would be meeting here today had not the capital infusion been made in 1990 and this plan put into place and well executed .
17 All oriental rugs are made in one of two ways they are either hand-woven ( kelims ) or hand-knotted ( pile rugs ) .
18 Few of the goods available in the new shops are made in Romania .
19 Multi colour designs are made in exactly the same way .
20 Genes are made of the nucleic acid DNA , and they exert their effect by determining which proteins are made in the cell .
21 It is essential that contacts with non-KPMG clients are made in a highly professional manner .
22 Monthly video recordings are made in structured situations in the University and in more natural settings at home .
23 Set squares are made in the same way though a little ingenuity may be required to grip the material .
24 Barraga ( 1976 ) sums up the implications of its usage by stating that : ‘ A visually handicapped child is one whose impairment interferes with his optimum learning and achievement , unless adaptations are made in the methods of presenting learning experiences , the nature of the materials used , and/or in the learning environment . ’
25 Some interesting pink Champagnes are made in this village which was once known for its long lived red wines .
26 There is a lower standard of proof required in civil cases , balance of probability , as opposed to the ‘ beyond reasonable doubt ’ needed in criminal trials and Lord Prosser commented : ‘ It is undesirable in the public interest , as well as in Mr Anderson 's interest , that a finding of probable murder be made in anything other than a supreme court . ’
27 Many related compounds were made in the same laboratories and were investigated in more or less detail according to the promise they showed .
28 Some at least of the Knossos ivory figurines were made in the workshop beside the Royal Road .
29 This is a new market for hygiene and one that has significant potential for the future with increasing demands being made in safety and hygiene .
30 Coal hole covers were made in different patterns and embossed with the name of the foundry ; outside older houses , the bootscrapers can often still be seen .
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