Example sentences of "[noun] be one with " in BNC.

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1 Of all the countries in southern Africa , Angola is one with the greatest potential . ’
2 A stressful circumstance is one with which you can not cope with successfully or believe you can not cope with successfully That 's the important thing .
3 The Red Panda is one with a rich red glossy fur on the back and dense dark fur beneath .
4 A closed question is one with a fixed number of alternative replies .
5 Her attitude was one with which the reader will now be familiar : that women could not reasonably expect the same pay as men : That we know would be impossible , at least in the meantime , as up to now all girl apprentices have only served an apprenticeship of three years , whereas a boy serves seven .
6 A single bloom is one with a single circlet of five petals , as you will invariably find in the wild rose of the hedgerow and , of course , in a number of the modern bred varieties as well .
7 ‘ Can you describe any of them ? ’ 'There was one with a beard …
8 A superior court is one with unlimited jurisdiction such as the High Court , Court of Appeal or House of Lords .
9 Liturgy provides both a public focus of the structure of the contemplative life and a ritual in which the individual 's experience of the reality of God 's presence within the self is one with his sense of communitas in the body of Christ .
10 This dreadful invasion was one with which she was familiar : something between a hum and a buzz , and terrifying for being unresponsive to any attempt to silence it .
11 However good its intentions , a revenue-starved government is one with its hands tied firmly behind its back , able only to gaze into the whirlpool of poverty in which most of its country 's people flounder .
12 In this sense , ‘ free ’ carried a load of genealogical history : a free man was one with an authentic Zuwaya ancestry .
13 The main grist to the mill of policing was working-class youth , but the perennial conflict between youth and the police is one with ever-changing persona and is not the basis of political conflict .
14 A simple series of steps to establish if the situation is one with built in conflict is as follows :
15 Moreover , the risk that conventional conflicts may get out of hand and degenerate into nuclear disaster is one with which mankind will have to live for ever , and it strengthens the argument for attempting to keep conflicts within some kinds of bounds .
16 The plot of the story is one with which I am familiar .
17 No matter from which angle they are viewed , these statues reveal that the head and limbs counter-balance each other round a central line running through the body so that each part is one with the whole picture .
18 In the case of many mental events , such as the elements of one 's visual field , their discrimination is one with , or bound up with , the discrimination of ordinary things , their features and so on .
19 In the case of the Flexifoil , the wing section or aerofoil is one with a distinct reflex .
20 It can not be otherwise with the approach of death ; whether we go on pilgrimage with Raleigh or put out to sea with Tennyson , the metaphor of travel is one with which the poets have made us familiar .
21 St Paul understood the distinctive heart of Christianity to lie in the historic facts of the gospel ; the Jesus of history was one with the Christ of his faith , who was also the eternal wisdom of God in creation .
22 The story behind Hale 's death was one with which Kahlo obviously identified , and within which dress formed an important symbolic function .
23 His language was one with endings , extensive words and sense , defining him from his friends .
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