Example sentences of "[noun] be should be " in BNC.

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1 I respectfully agree with the judge that that would be an inappropriate way of achieving the result which clearly ought to be achieved , which is that a child abducted in the way this little boy was should be able to return home pending a decision as to whether he lives with his father or with his mother .
2 Economy Minister Carlos Ominami argues that proposals such as Marubeni 's should be judged on " economic " criteria alone .
3 This suspension is so like sculpture is should be displayed in my living room .
4 Well actually I think your quite right , but I think the problem is that the older reader reads it for escapism and enjoyment , its , its fun , but I think the younger reader reads it and thinks that 's what life is should be like and that 's when the trouble starts .
5 With such a carefully organised operation it 's puzzling that Langan 's should be so unwelcoming .
6 On form be should be well under 2:20 , but how far under is still in the balance .
7 In any case , as an imperative , let suggests that the speaker feels that the impinging of his will on the others 's should be enough to obtain their assent or overcome their indifference and thereby get the infinitive action under way .
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