Example sentences of "[noun] be out [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ penny gaffs ’ is rather more in my style ; the songs are out and out , and makes our gals laugh .
2 Divisional crime prevention officer David Chaplin said : ‘ The dawn patrol grew out of the realisation that by the nature of doorstep delivery , milkmen are out and about during the early hours of the morning . ’
3 and then you sit down and go through all what books are out and
4 Will Snoopy be out and about ?
5 The many grey squirrels were out and about , busy , and unaware of the interruptions to their habitat which the golf fans would bring .
6 Fo nothing for co , concentration 's out and literacy 's in following instructions is out , problem solving 's in er , mathematical 's numeracy er , social skills is extra .
7 Dropping hankies is out and we can hardly leer at gentlemen from behind our fans , can we ?
8 Giovanna said she often sat in with the Kettering children if their parents were out and would be glad to do the same for the Signora Pargeter .
9 Well , the sun is out and so I 'm off out to sunbathe for a while , if I can get past the Ed that is .
10 THE sun 's out and hundreds of Merseysiders are flocking into their gardens for a good old barbie .
11 Eva was out and up the steps before the other leader , greeting her deputy with an affectionate hug and kiss , much to the surprise of the man who was still climbing the steps .
12 After all , the sun was out and high in the sky .
13 Unless you fire a gun from the hip it 's all Outside ; you point and aim and that 's it , unless the sights are out or there 's a really high wind .
14 The insects are out and about for the same reason as us , moving at night to beat the midday heat at the very centre of the Grand Canyon .
15 He was expecting a visit from the young woman he had been wooing assiduously and he had carefully orchestrated the evening so that all his housemates were out and he had the house to himself .
16 if Vicki was out or er at the side of Vicki when Vick when we had these she was ages before she 'd go and sit in a chair on her own
17 According to social services and health chiefs in the north-west , Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit are out and The X Factor is now flavour of the day .
18 We 've got all the approvals we now need from the corporation er and the tenders are out and erm we 're awaiting their return .
19 All my company Officers are out but one ’ .
20 Specially in the spring time when the azaleas are out and that .
21 The first thing that he noticed was that the lights were out and that she 'd set up candles from his emergency supply in one of the kitchen cupboards .
22 Springsteen was out but there were tell-tale signs that he 'd been ruling the roost and no evidence that he was pining for my return .
23 The Directing Staff are out and about , unobtrusively encouraging , cajoling and even hissing the occasional order until the column moves off .
24 It 'll be better in a week or two when t'catkins are out and spring flowers begin to push through .
25 Depression of the plunger delivers two units of insulin obviating the need for drawing up and simplifying the procedure for when patients are out and about .
26 Stalls were out and there were mummers performing miracle plays .
27 One day , when Diana and Mary were out and I was learning German , he suddenly said to me , ‘ I want you to learn Hindustani instead of German .
28 Teamwork is out and behaviour such as your reader witnessed is common .
29 Mrs Jamie 's out and he 's not
30 Brushing back her hair with the back of a damp hand she said : ‘ Your lot are up in the attics , Miss Sara is out and they 're in the shop . ’
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