Example sentences of "[noun] be [indef pn] the " in BNC.

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1 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
2 Pebbles was an outstanding racehorse , but the Breeders ' Cup bid was none the less a characteristically bold move on the part of trainer Clive Brittain , for the Turf race is over one and a half miles and she had never raced beyond ten furlongs .
3 The final section shows how Sri Lankans were none the less able to use the courts as a legitimate and acceptable , if sometimes disreputable , way to solve disputes .
4 Ostensibly ‘ in favour of perestroika ’ and incorporating many party members within their ranks , the new movements were none the less associated with a policy stance which went very much further than the party conference resolution .
5 Erm very common question is one the the different types of radiation , alpha , beta and gamma .
6 Consequently , I propose that question ( 1 ) in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) should be answered : whilst at present it falls to the member state concerned to determine whether a vessel is entitled to be registered in that state , the member state in question is none the less bound to comply with the relevant principles and provisions of Community law .
7 ( 1 ) Whilst at present it falls to the member state concerned to determine whether a vessel is entitled to be registered in that state , the member state in question is none the less bound to comply with the relevant principles and provisions of Community law .
8 The letter of the law was something the Adjutant had learnt in his short army career .
9 His private newsletters were none the less still fuller and became celebrated .
10 Of course , if you want the most sumptuous and subtle of string sonorities , Karajan 's 1971 version of the Second remains ( and is likely to remain ) unrivalled , although the present Lausanne Chamber Orchestra disc is none the less a strong contender .
11 A very high ( and carefully monitored ) level of security is none the less maintained .
12 Now I tell them why if you 're gon na tell somebody why why your opinion is something the word because is bound to come into the sentence soon .
13 The imposition of VAT misdeclaration and serious default surcharges was something the federation had opposed since its outset .
14 The immediate appointment of Protestant ministers and the introduction of a Supremacy Bill in the 1559 parliament was therefore widely predicted , but despite Elizabeth 's concession in changing her title from ‘ Supreme Head ’ to ‘ Supreme Governor ’ , the move was none the less fiercely contested by the Marian bishops in the House of Lords .
15 The outcome was none the less a climbdown for the government , which was obliged to drop its original plan to outlaw strikes in all sectors of industry for 15 months , amid deep divisions among parliamentarians over the extent of the powers to be granted .
16 Referring to the by now well-established consensus that grammar should be based upon " educated " usage rather than some abstract principle of " correctness " , Gurrey is none the less unconvinced that any radical change is likely to take place given " the inability of the leaders of today to learn , and their intellectual self sufficiency " .
17 the wife is none the wiser , She 's got us
18 ‘ Truth to material ’ , like any other passionately held belief , can inspire good work , but it is no more a necessary than it is a sufficient condition , and Greek art is none the worse for being innocent of the notion .
19 The British tranche was none the less fully subscribed , but shares on sale in Europe were oversubscribed and those offered in New York could have been sold four times over .
20 The issues for trade policy are none the less clear .
21 And , people are none the wiser they , if they can see it
22 Some families who need the certainty of legal adoption are none the less more than willing to allow their child to continue contact with members of the birth family .
23 The owner of a firearm is none the less owner because the law prohibits him from discharging it in a public highway ; the owner of a field does not cease to be owner because the public or a neighbour has the right to use a footpath across it .
24 Getting on with the neighbours is something the lucky ones among us can take for granted .
25 Hyndburn is one the Tories can afford to lose .
26 Surmounting these hurdles is something the two winners of the award in 1992 have in common .
27 By the mid-eighteenth century , and probably earlier , the power of ceremonial , precedence and titles to arouse intense feeling was none the less clearly in decline .
28 A reference to British Steel was something the punters would relate to , much to the dealers ' amusement .
29 The challenges are none the less great , and the organization has still to define its role .
30 Though irreconcilable , these differences are none the less very much at the centre of philosophy 's concern with the possibilities or ‘ knowing ’ .
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