Example sentences of "[noun] be [not/n't] that " in BNC.

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1 The natural way to interpret the EPR experiment is not that it shows up the incompleteness of quantum theory but that it manifests the falsity of naive locality .
2 The strength of scepticism is not that it can be argued consistently but that it can be used effectively against unwarranted dogmatism .
3 The other is that latent inhibition does indeed result from a loss of stimulus associability but that the mechanism responsible for this loss is not that that underlies habituation .
4 The point about studies on non-human animals is not that they replace studies on humans but that they provide us with pointers to what we should study in people and how we should study it .
5 The result is not that the user of the aid hears the phone conversation , but rather that there is a loud hum which drowns out everything else .
6 So the point of the maxim that actions speak louder than words is not that people never use non-linguistic actions to communicate ( which is when they may be deliberately misleading ) , but that language is much less often used to do anything else .
7 My Dear Boy , my greatest fear is not that I shall never again touch you , but that when I return I shall no longer be able to hear your voice .
8 The problem of recruitment administration is not that the individual tasks are difficult , but that the addition of fluctuations in the level of activity makes them difficult .
9 What is ethologically implausible about Ullman 's hypotheses is not that they involve some ( unconscious ) knowledge about material objects and normal viewing conditions , but rather that they assume the perception of rigid objects to be basic , while perception of non-rigid movement is taken to be a more complex special case .
10 At each stage the vested interests — of protected tenants , of council tenants , and of local and national politicians — in the system , grew stronger and more complex , so that the wonder is not that it lived so long but that two men were found at last , in Duncan Sandys and Henry Brooke , of sufficient courage and determination to lay the axe to the roots and start hewing a way back to sanity .
11 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
12 This book is the true story of a decade in which physical and mental torture became so common that the wonder is not that so many were killed or driven to kill themselves but that so many more survived .
13 The upshot is a version of what is known as preference utilitarianism , for which what counts in favour of an act is not that it promotes a kind of experience known as pleasure or prevents a kind of experience called pain , but that it provides people with what they would prefer to have and prevents their having what they would prefer not to have .
14 ‘ We are taking a positive approach and our attitude is not that there might be problems . ’
15 The core of Barth 's theology is not that God is in principle unknowable , nor yet that man is an arrogant sinner who , left to himself , will ever be about the business of fashioning golden calves to worship , but that God has crossed the infinite gulf in Jesus Christ to claim man as his friend and partner .
16 The issue is not that she might faint or be incapable of carrying through her role of blessing bread and wine and distributing it , then wiping out the sacred vessels , for these are not exactly arduous tasks !
17 We suggest that the issue is not that ‘ a considerable possibility of overtreatment ’ exists but that potentially damaging and ineffective treatment may be undertaken outside the confines of a randomised controlled trial .
18 The likelihood is not that the whole system is ‘ switched off , but that parts of it are turned off in a very unsystematic way .
19 The eleventh-century claim that Merewalh , king of the Magonsaete , was also a son of Penda can not be authenticated , even though in the 740s Aethelbald , king of the Mercians , appears to describe Mildrith ( later regarded as the daughter of Merewalh and Aebbe ( Eafe ) , a Kentish princess ) as his kinswoman ( CS 177 : S 91 ) ; and the likelihood is not that the Magonsaete were a Mercian creation but that Mercian control was being imposed upon their territory across the mid-seventh century .
20 Brown and Kulik ( 1977 ) were struck by the fact that people were generally able to answer this question without difficulty , the important point being not that they remembered the assassination but that they remembered apparently irrelevant details such as where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news .
21 Let me stress again that the shame is not that people have doubts , but that they are ashamed of them .
22 The major criticism of this approach to describing organisations is not that it is inaccurate but that it ignores all the informal and interpersonal aspects of organisations and concentrates too heavily on the formal aspects of work organisations .
23 The danger is not that the courts will intervene too much , but too little .
24 As explained above , the proposal of the FRED is not that such expenses be treated as an asset , but rather that they be taken into account in measuring a liability .
25 My veterinary colleagues tell me one of the main dangers with such large dogs is not that they injure themselves ( through overexercising before their skeletons can carry their weight ) but that their diets are over-supplemented , particularly with excessive calcium , which damages bone growth and hinders development .
26 But the important point is not that they would hesitate to do it , but that we would not be interested if they did .
27 The essential point is not that a feminist reading of the eighteenth century is impossible , but that it must , as Munns suggests , recognize not only sexual difference , but the difference between one century and another
28 The point is not that some have been forgiven a greater number of sins than others or that some are ‘ worse sinners ’ than others but that some see their need of forgiveness and others do not .
29 The point is not that we in any way deliberately do down the intelligence of animals — although we do this as well — but that it is hard for us to imagine the workings of forms of intelligence that have evolved to cope with environmental circumstances different from our own .
30 My point is not that we might count the relations between parts as themselves parts — though this is not necessarily mistaken — but that the relations into which the parts enter in making up the whole affect their character and value so that they do not necessarily have the same value as they would have had out of that whole .
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