Example sentences of "[noun] be [vb pp] i " in BNC.

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1 Once the legs were jointed I turned the leg and stretcher assembly upside down on to the bottom of the seat and from this I could mark the centres to be drilled and set the bevels to repeat the process .
2 ‘ Until more research is done I do n't think the video games companies have any justification in saying it has no impact on kids . ’
3 I have covered all the major items of tackle that warrant discussion , but before this chapter is concluded I think that a comparison of end tackles is worth looking at .
4 Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol ?
5 When the schools was closed I went home and changed into a wetsuit .
6 Later , as the plates were welded I watched the hull take form , the bulkheads put in place and , scrambling around the apparent chaos of electrical cables and skeleton framework inside the hull , it was hard to visualise all this as our future living quarters , or that we should ever take her to sea in a fully operational capacity .
7 One number that had her tapping her feet was called I 've Got A Feeling Everything 's Gon na Be All Right .
8 Once the work was hung I wanted it to occupy the space comfortably without dwarfing the area or appearing lost .
9 After the boy was born I returned to my work .
10 In other words , some measure of independence was granted me .
11 The question was asked me , erm , is there a hand-out on this .
12 " In the year 1929 I used two rock-crystal vases in which were branches of white orchids , but those days are gone I fear for ever , and a few white carnations have to suffice now .
13 A nightmare turned into an enjoyable part of our holiday , and although a very good excuse for landing is needed I can certainly recommend the hospitality of our German cousins .
14 Erm well if she 's going to be er having an income of about twenty thousand a year after the mortgage is paid I think that would be sufficient .
15 ‘ I 've enjoyed my time here but when my loan period is finished I will be going back to Chelsea . ’
16 ‘ Charlie Trumper , ’ I told her with pride , though if the truth be known I had n't expected her to have heard of him .
17 But oh , I love her , and if truth be told I want to prove that love in action .
18 In the first stage of surfacing , only the top of the fuselage will be above water-level — when we cut away a rectangular section over where the bomb is located I want as much water as possible below that section to dissipate the heat of the oxyacetylene torches .
19 Well on the Wittering job he said he wanted somebody there you know er myself as manager to oversee the job but on the Sheffield Wednesday job , incidentally I 'd I got the contract from them both , the Sheffield Wednesday job was done I 'd only ever had to visit it once and that was at my request not at anybody else 's and either way both erm the Wittering and the Sheffield Wednesday er there have been other drivers going .
20 ‘ After Stephen was captured I swore to serve the Queen until his release , to obey her commands as I would the King 's .
21 But by far the best gift was given me by a little red-haired girl , Betty , who gave me ( a virgin boy ) her body .
22 It is not ever so contagious , so as more than one of your fish was affected I would put it down to your water conditions .
23 Mr. Williams , the bank manager , said in evidence : ‘ before the charge was signed I would have to be satisfied that she knew what she was saying . ’
24 As the lorries are unloaded I am aware of a disturbance .
25 Well I think it 's much better once things are served I think it 's better the jury know that they 're being shown everything of relevance .
26 Now , that 's and example of functional group isomerism what I 'd like you to do now is to try and decide what these two things are called I 'm gon na put on the board and try and decide what you would call them in terms these general labels under structural isomerism .
27 Given the commitment to the arts which is a central feature of Rawlins , I welcome the inclusion of the arts as a foundation element : it strengthens our hand , though why just music and art are specified I do not know , but we can get around that unless SEAC imposes unrealistic demands and arbitrarily forces students into choosing just one specialism for GCSE certification : we must have flexible ( eg modular type ) arrangements to allow us to offer what is best for our students .
28 When plans for the NHS reforms were announced I quickly became an enthusiastic advocate of general practitioner fundholding , the purchaser-provider split , and the contract system .
29 Fast free kicks are ok ( as along as the ball is stopped I think ) what was very illegal was the fact that the free kick was taken from a COMPLETELY different spot to where the foul took place , so the Leeds player were ( justifiably ) waiting for the ball to be placed where it should have been .
30 It 's always held a special meaning for me , and when the development is completed I have every intention of moving back into the area and making my home here .
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