Example sentences of "[noun] be [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Disadvantages said to be attendant upon a duty to provide reasons are that it can stifle the exercise of discretion and overburden the administration .
2 I think one of the , the best things a member of the royal family has done , is Prince Phillip and Prince of Wa , and Prince of Wales have actually opened their mouths up and said they 're opposed to wha a lo a lo a lot of what the present government policies are and it 's not , not before time , in my opinion !
3 ‘ All signs are that it is making a real impact in reducing the spread of Aids , ’ Mr Roberts said .
4 Signs are that it fell into disuse during the period after the Romans had left and legendary Celtic leaders , such as Arthur , were endeavouring to maintain civilised standards against waves of barbarian invaders .
5 A reply from the Ministry is expected within days , and all the signs are that it will be positive .
6 Counterfeiting is a multi million pound industry and all the signs are that it 's growing at an alarming rate .
7 All the signs are that it made virtually no impact at all .
8 All the signs are that it will be a holding speech , waiting until December for the first of the combined spending and taxing Budgets , with , maybe , some radical tax reforms thrown in .
9 The reasons for introducing terminology are that it will provide the reader a ) with confidence in using the microcomputer ; b ) with the knowledge to discuss the various uses of the microcomputer with colleagues ; c ) a basic knowledge of the microcomputer from which the reader can go on to discover other , more intricate aspects of the microcomputer .
10 The other advantages of a freezer are that it enables you to store food that can be brought out in an emergency when you have unexpected guests , or to store certain foods in bulk , such as bread , to save you from frequent trips to the shops .
11 The advantages of using this measure are that it is independent of the subfield , and of the year of citation .
12 The advantages in determining serum 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one concentration are that it is an even simpler method , that only a serum sample is needed , that no radioactivity needs to be used , and that it is less time consuming .
13 In her foreword , Ruth Richardson , the Minister of Finance ( and not the most popular Kiwi politician ) , expresses it thus : ‘ The special advantages of accrual accounting are that it distinguishes between capital and current spending , and that it takes better account of the cost of current policies for future generations …
14 The disadvantage are that it is necessary to set a maximum value for the number of different tags are allowed in any one position .
15 Ziegler ( 1978 ) , in his discussion of the Mass Observation records on the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 , records that the two most commonly cited reasons for supporting the coronation were that it created wealth and that it united the nation .
16 The particular benefits of this approach for this study were that it provided quantitative data on important treatment/intervention issues in a population where group-comparison studies alone would be inappropriate , because of the individual nature of each person 's challenging behaviour and the small number of potential subjects .
17 One of the most wonderful things about religion is that it 's always there waiting for us .
18 The real importance of the Christian religion is that it claims to be true irrespective of how I regard it .
19 The attractiveness of the cultural explanation of religion is that it appears to account for the diversity in religious practices and beliefs without the necessity to get involved in controversy .
20 I think the most important thing about community arts is that it 's arts for the community , and invariably one is not approaching it in the same way as one would market , say , a show at the Theatre Royal for instance .
21 Although this is not so good as the quick sponge or madeira cake for cutting and shaping , it is ideal for the simpler shaped fantasy cakes and its advantage over the quick sponge is that it is lighter .
22 Now the reason I used the word association is that it 's different from correlation which is what we 're gon na talk about shortly .
23 The relevance of Christian thinking is that it puts certain limits on the market place , not on the basis that they are politically necessary to secure greater freedom in the market economy , but that they are right and desirable in themselves .
24 ‘ Not really because it seems to do any good but just because the thinking is that it 's better for him than other commercial products , ’ says Kathleen .
25 One explanation of the progressive advance of the temperature rhythm is that it is being driven by a body clock that is running too fast .
26 The reason Scottish Equitable is proposing this deal is because it is short of the necessary capital needed to carry on growing its business .
27 One problem with this experiment is that it presented subjects with a very artificial task and , not surprisingly , various criticisms have been made by authors such as Hupet and Le Boudec ( 1977 ) and Schultz and Kamil ( 1979 ) .
28 The reason vitamin D was regarded as a vitamin is because it is found in our food , and this is important for those who do not receive adequate exposure to sunlight — for example , the house-bound elderly .
29 But they 're different , the thing about the fully-fashioned is that it is shaped .
30 The reason the coding metaphor has such currency in contemporary talk about perception is that it seems to suggest a way in which very simple and apparently homogenous elements such as nerve impulses can generate the richness and variety of consciousness .
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