Example sentences of "[noun] be [art] time " in BNC.

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1 These quiet hours are a time of peace , where every long soft minute is a luxury .
2 He was bearing the cold and damp better than he had in the previous year , but these winter months were a time when proper life had to give way to the struggle merely to exist .
3 Midlife is a time when suppressed emotions tend to come to the surface .
4 Halfway through interviewing candidates is no time for governor discord or financial disagreements to surface , or for the true needs of the school to be hastily compromised .
5 Where the fetch , or distance at the disposal of the wind for the generation of waves , is very large the factor governing the height of the waves is the time during which a wind of a given strength has.been blowing .
6 Spring is the time when the government primes the pump to help farmers prepare their fields and the far north to recover from winter .
7 So , spring is the time of great activity in the bird world , and few events are more exciting to birdwatchers in Shetland than the spring passage of migrants .
8 Spring is the time when everything starts growing again after the winter .
9 Easter in the United States is a time for dressing up ; Easter bonnets and egg hunts are surprisingly popular .
10 made the evening quite memorable — i guess sunderland are not too popular up in newcastle ehh ? what about leeds — equally hated ? actually — to the newcastle fans credit — i was hearing words like ‘ that 's futballing class ’ when liverpool from time to time delivered the goods … ruddock of course got booh 's every time he was near the ball …
11 Being at college is a time of great activity for you — intellectual development , physical growth , psychological insight — so it 's also a time when you may well experience particularly vivid dreams .
12 Midlife is a time when the results of bad posture can cause trouble .
13 Midlife is a time to come to terms with the past so that the future can be faced with no unfinished business to block the way ahead .
14 and I believe that , that three months is the time limit
15 The continuing use after that time of recognition is a time of testing whether control is possible or whether it has indeed been lost .
16 A major problem for those wishing to persuade Mrs Thatcher to change her mind was the time constraint imposed by the leadership election rules .
17 Once the new curriculum was underway , the predominant concern of the department was the time it was taking to cover the syllabus .
18 Semenyaka is an honoured People 's Artist , but she agrees : ‘ Our heyday was the time of Diaghilev , Nijinsky and Karsavina , and the fact that they inspired Fokine and Balanchine .
19 After Fisher died Ramsey said that the time in their lives when they were closest in friendship was the time when he was examining chaplain to the Bishop of Chester .
20 The first eighteen months was a time of frustration .
21 As a time of transition from autarchy and isolation to developmentalist capitalism and international rapprochement , the 1950s in Spain were a time of ambiguity and uncertainty , in which the first signs of a limited degree of liberalism became visible at the same time as the use of the customary repression made it clear that nothing fundamental had changed .
22 If you 're like me , winter is a time of withdrawal symptoms and dreaming of clear blue skies .
23 Winter is the time everyone wants their summer collections shooting ; Miami is an exciting location and the light is great . ’
24 Winter is the time to lie back and sink into the great British bath .
25 We find winter is the time when most people come and have a chat to us ; we 've got a regular following of visitors and you get to know them quite well .
26 It is essential that a thorough selection trawl of new books is made , because important titles must be put into stock before they have a chance to go out of print , and because the first year or two after publication is the time that books are usually in most demand .
27 ‘ With Christmas out of the way , January is the time when some women will leave violent situations . ’
28 Put more politely , December is a time when you must become bigger than situations in order to transcend them .
29 Family suffering is a time of reckoning , when the genuineness of goodness and character , faith and hope , love and forbearance with one another are most severely tested .
30 The excepted proceedings , which are specified , are actions in defamation , relator actions , certain proceedings for the recovery of a penalty , election petitions , actions relating to judgment summons in the county court , actions in the county court where the only question is the time and mode of payment of a debt , and any incidental proceedings .
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