Example sentences of "[noun] look to [art] " in BNC.

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1 New-style Conservatism looks to the likes of Lord Hanson to do the job — but amassing a personal fortune is not creating national wealth .
2 Now after a further century of development Ossett can boast of wide range of businesses including a gallery , photography studio , florist , fashion shops , health food and the expanded Dimple Well Lodge Hotel , where the proprietor Mr Sandy Gillan looks to the future with confidence .
3 The last of these three exercises begins by raising the legs up to waist height , keeping the back straight and the eyes looking to the front .
4 It is only where Warranties look to the future — eg the payment by debtors , the loyalty of customers — that this type of defence is relevant .
5 Farmers , too , need to understand more about the social impulses which prompt an increasing number of urbanites to look to the countryside for relaxation and enjoyment .
6 Morel directed the local branches to look to the ( non-militant ) suffrage societies for support .
7 found that when right handers were asked to look to the left while hearing such sets of words , decisions were made on non-semantic grounds significantly more often than when subjects looked to the right .
8 Labour candidates looked to the record of reform .
9 We now know from Russian eyes , particularly from Khrushchev 's much suspected but surely authentic memoirs , how precarious and nerve-ridden the future looked to the Communist high command when Stalin succumbed to his stroke on 5 March , 1953 .
10 Greatly did the Cid rejoice when he saw him alive and sound , and he ordered his chains to be taken off ; and then he left Alvar Fañez to look to the spoil , and went into Valencia with a hundred knights .
11 The discovery of vast quantities of gas in Groningen province transformed the Dutch economy and also caused the oil companies to look to the North Sea as a possible source of hydrocarbon .
12 Rather than ‘ playing safe ’ by retaining the styling features of the Renault 5 , the product planners looked to the future in developing the new Clio .
13 Sharpe looked to the north and west , searching for the tell-tale drifts of dust that would speak of reinforcements hurrying towards the threatened crossroads .
14 But in the design of Moscow 's Riga and Yaroslavl Stations , Russia looked to the other strand of her heritage — the East , producing veritable Oriental fantasies .
15 With the Edwardian figure of Macmillan as leader of the party and the government , a man who had begun his career by advocating a dirigiste stance against the liberal economic tendencies of the Baldwin-Chamberlain era , the Conservatives looked to an interventionist strategy to stave off political and economic reversals .
16 Furniture business looks to the future
17 The local authority committee member tends to go in dread of anything which may scandalise the electorate , voluntary organisations look to the man in the street for approval and funding .
18 Sickened by the endemic one-upmanship of a political system founded on resistance nomenklatura ( Pompidou was one of the few politicians who had not been in the resistance ) , he spoke of the need to look to the future and forget the time when ‘ Frenchmen did not love one another . ’
19 Whereas once the working class might have looked to the middle classes for an example of probity and upright behaviour , now the middle classes looked to the working class as the custodians of vanishing tradition and folk culture .
20 Workers looked to the national state , over which democracy gave them some influence , to protect them against the ravages of an unregulated world economy .
21 Having perfected their methods — and made fortunes — at home , German discounters such as Lidl & Schwarz and Aldi looked to the rest of Europe .
22 Meanwhile , the cessation of major hostilities left the northern English border exposed to endemic raids and marauding : the northern magnates looked to the crown for help to repulse and extinguish these threats .
23 ‘ The writing shows a person looking to the future , highly motivated , with a somewhat optimistic approach to life ( shown by the upward crossing of some of his t-bars ) .
24 Each time you change , turn just your head to look to the side , first the right then the left .
25 Christian writers look to the future in Bangladesh
26 Fairham looked to the far end of the infirmary .
27 In preferring this wider meaning of the term ‘ accident ’ the court looked to the general purpose of the Act .
28 Hercegovina looks to the Adriatic , with the valley of the Neretva providing a route from the capital , Mostar , to the sea .
29 Cohen looks to the educational system for his explanation of delinquency .
30 A Labour movement looking to the 1990s would have been been debating single union , no-strike deals and profit-related payment systems rather than how best to call strikes and whether a system of labour tribunals was needed to compensate for the supposed bias of the capitalist courts .
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