Example sentences of "[noun] should [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Secondary education should not be the preserve of men , and the curriculum should not have a gender specific bias based on expected household duties .
2 The curriculum should also have in mind education in a European context , with reference both to the position of English as an international language , and to increasing labour mobility and inter-cultural contact within the European community , especially after 1992 .
3 The certificate of summary administration can be revoked either on the court 's own motion or on the application of the official receiver ( r 6.50 ) if it appears that the certificate should not have been issued ( s 275(3) ) .
4 There was no reason why Kenamun should ever have known about his meeting with Surere .
5 ‘ I wanted to say , you see , that I know you thought Frannie should n't have gone , and that it 's ruined your holiday plans , and , on behalf of us all , I 'm sorry .
6 There was no more objective reason why firearms should not have been used in burglaries and bank hold-ups thirty or sixty years ago than today ; but it ‘ was n't done ’ — until it was discovered that it was done , that you could do it .
7 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
8 In Tait , where Lord Clyde considered that the clerk should not have rejected the late application , his Lordship ordered the board to hold a meeting to consider the application under s.31(2) .
9 Work on drilling more than 100 anchors should already have started by the time you read this .
10 Conversely Mortimer should not have invoked the earls to revolt against the king .
11 What , do you think that there 's any connection between what you mentioned before about when you claimed for er bomb damage erm that working class people about being , supposed to have a piano , do you think there 's a connection between that sort of idea and the idea of people that lived in Harlow in Council houses should n't have cars ?
12 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
13 The Medicines Information Bill is founded on two main principles : that those who keep secrets should not have the last word on where secrecy begins and ends and that openness should be the rule and secrecy the exception .
14 In each case their representative raised the question of the lack of medical evidence , and said the authorities should not have rushed to take children into care on the basis of unchecked statements from other children .
15 Widdicombe proposed ( para. 6.109 ) that SRAs should continue but that local authorities should not have the discretion to opt out .
16 The hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) talked about subsidies , and that leads me straight to the idea which has sometimes been muttered during the debate — that the mines should not have a subsidy .
17 The emergence of an independent Macedonia on Greece 's northern border was indeed an event that justified a Greek response , but the response should not have been to tell the new country it could not use the name ‘ Macedonia ’ ( see box ) .
18 These subjects too learned less readily than controls in spite of the fact that the postulated ‘ interfering ’ response should actually have proved facilitatory in this case .
19 It has been suggested that Penda 's political power was in eclipse at the time and that Eowa was the dominant ruler among the Mercians as a subject king of the northern Angles from the mid-630s until his death , possibly in Oswald 's army , in the battle at Maserfelth , but there is no reason why Penda and Eowa should not have been ruling jointly , with Eowa as king possibly of the northern Mercians and Penda as king of the southern .
20 Mr. Beloff submits that the first question we have to answer is : is there any known rule of natural justice that a person who is not the subject of an administrative decision should nevertheless have the right to make representations before the decision is made ?
21 That the ministry should also have cheated egg producers out of their compensation is a matter over which Mr Gummer should resign . ’
22 My thoughts the leaf stem should never have been there in the first place it was a waste of money .
23 So they got together and decided to hide their cider and wine so the Germans should n't have it .
24 Almost universally , the opinion is that the trial should never have taken place , which is of little comfort to the defendants who , they say , have effectively lost two and a half years of their lives .
25 Perhaps Mr Smith 's book and the reaction to it imply that accounts should not have been like this : that it should be possible to take them as a straightforward objective statement of performance .
26 Even better , once the new council tax is introduced in April 1993 , people on income support should normally have nothing to pay .
27 A toy should not have sharp edges or be small enough to be swallowed or jammed in the throat , neither should it break or tear into dangerous pieces .
28 For these reasons alone , they felt the statue should not have been demolished .
29 As a teenager , Goldberg was leader of the Berlin Philharmonic under Furtwängler in the 1920s ; in the 1970s he was still in fine form , and his recordings should surely have been re-released on this occasion .
30 Marxists should not have to assume that the connections between the state and monopoly capital are so crude and direct ; there may be impersonal causation behind state officials ' support for capitalist production ( Offe and Ronge , 1975 ) .
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