Example sentences of "[noun] look [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 The surgeon is wearing a funnel on his head , the woman a book on hers , where they can not be used , and the monk looks on with indifference .
2 It is at his feet that we throw ourselves like the bound figures which form the pedestal of this statue ( one captive looks upward with adoring eyes ) .
3 On the other hand , Mr Moynihan looks forward with foreboding .
4 Didcot 's scorer looked in with a chance of a second , and also taking the pressure off when he was put through , but instead of trying what looked a goal chance , chose to pass after sixty one minutes .
5 Rusty looked out with a baleful eye from the front page .
6 waist look exactly with my waistcoat , look .
7 The final putting the ball in the onion net was a total fluke , Rush mis-hit it ( one paper said it bounced off his nose ) , and Lukic and Fairclough looked on with stunned bewilderment .
8 Cat looked on with sympathy , observing the tremor .
9 Now their lunches were a regular event to which Hugh looked forward with a certain amount of trepidation .
10 Benny looked up with his little monkey face .
11 Benny looked around with interest .
12 Stallholders and shopkeepers looked on with bemusement as he was pelted with bad fruit .
13 A sprightly 81 years old , this English engineer and inventor looks back with satisfaction on a lifetime as an explorer of the heavens , the Earth , and the limits of the technically feasible .
14 Jim Lancaster looked around with predictable relief and asked for a coffee .
15 Paul , in these verses , allows himself the chance to look back with his readers , and see the results of twenty years of Christian service .
16 and rowing for gold all this week will be the best oarsmen … young and old … from all over the world as the royal regatta takes off on the Thames at henley … we 'll be on the water tomorrow night to look ahead with the fastest school crew in the country
17 He spoke in a penetrating voice that made all the other customers look on with interest .
18 Paige looked up with a frown .
19 The wolves clustered around the base of the tree looked up with interest at their next meal talking to himself .
20 Darren looked round with bright suspicious eyes , then said :
21 Thunder growled , and Gilbert looked around with nervous , pleading eyes .
22 Joseph looked up with a start and nodded vigorously although he had n't heard a word his father had said .
23 Psychologists Aruna Mahtani and Afreen Huq look back with mixed feelings on their special project for Bangladeshi women in Britain .
24 Jennifer looked up with sudden interest and Rachel knew she liked to hear about her work .
25 To the Jew this was the great saving act of God to which all later generations looked back with thankfulness .
26 Gus Hambro looked up with rounded brows and a good-natured smile , and said vaguely : ‘ Anything we can do , of course !
27 ‘ It 's reached a stage lately where the players look forward with relish to away games . ’
28 Peter looked up with a sheepish grin .
29 The man looked up with a contemptuous smile .
30 With much clicking of locks and a final scrabbling of a chain , the door was opened , and Lewis looked down with ill-disguised surprise .
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