Example sentences of "[noun] should only [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Senior personnel should only usurp their assistants in public when this is unavoidable , otherwise they will stunt initiative and reduce team cohesion .
2 The criteria adopted by the Court of Appeal in Newell ( 1980 ) were that courts should only take account of characteristics with which the provocation was concerned ; permanent characteristics such as race and , probably , religion may be taken into account , but transient conditions such as intoxication and exhaustion may not .
3 The occasional carriage of higher risk loads should only attract once-off premiums .
4 Survey advice — a surveyor may recommend that a purchase should only go ahead — often on an old property — if certain building work is done .
5 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
6 If judicial review is seen as going further and being concerned with the protection of groups as well as individuals , standing rules should only require that the applicant show that he , she or it shares some interest with others .
7 The knees should only move slightly — it is the head and upper body movement towards the knees which produces the best results .
8 Economic restrictions to industry should only apply to those connected with armaments .
9 A Sowaidi should only marry a Sowaidi , a Mansoori should only marry a Mansoori .
10 This means climbing the whole route in the dark , and since an efficient descent on frozen snow should only take four hours , then you should be back at the Couvercle Hut sipping beer by 11am .
11 A judge should only find a child guilty of contributory negligence if he or she is of such an age as reasonably to be expected to take precautions for his or her own safety ; and then he or she is only to be found guilty if blame should be attached to him or her .
12 It is unfortunate that papers presented a couple of months before our entry to the Communities should only appear in print some eighteen months after Community law began to have effect in the UR .
13 In their view separation should only happen in extreme situations where the child is physically at risk .
14 Ability apart , if such determination should only result in defeat , then what price the victor 's clarion call ?
15 The alternative candidate for the honour of being the liberal theory of contracts insists that obligations should only arise in order to discourage and compensate harm to the interests of others .
16 The code also covers timeshare operators — who need lists of individuals to mail or telephone — and members of the DMA should only supply these lists where the content of the timeshare advertising complies with the British Code of Advertising Practice .
17 you simply read the lists down and across yourself , without first hearing the words , and the LH should only stop you and say it right if you did n't
18 The position of the frescoes mattered a great deal and also , according to Nanno Marinatos ( 1984 ) , their visibility : it was important that certain frescoes should only become visible at certain stages in the ritual — hence the pier-and-door partitions .
19 It also says major applications will be made available on plug-in cards but , as always , computer buyers should only assess what they can see , not what might turn up who-knows-when .
20 The meeting should only set broad parameters for the worker , then there would be scope for genuine negotiation , with the parent 's real agreement .
21 Lord Bingham also decided not to recommend that international banks should only have one auditor .
22 The room should only hold ten people , but somehow a space is found for Michael .
23 Inexperienced pilots should only try cloud flying on days when there is no risk of large clouds developing , i.e. when there is an inversion preventing large vertical development .
24 The vendor should only account to the purchaser for post-taxation income earned during the interim stage .
25 Iran , which had long contended that Gulf security should only involve the littoral states , greeted the declaration with great suspicion .
26 Boards should only have one role : as independent representatives of the interests of the company 's share-holders .
27 Reid J. referred to previous authority in the area of labour relations , and concluded that the court should only intervene if the Board 's decision could not be rationally supported on a reasonable construction of the legislation .
28 He further accepted that the court should only attach importance to clear statements showing the intention of the promoter of the Bill , whether a minister or private member : there could be no dredging through conflicting statements of intention with a view to discovering the true intention of Parliament in using the statutory words .
29 The RSPB applauded the scheme on the grounds that farmers should only benefit from European subsidies if they were prepared to join schemes which protected the countryside .
30 At the same time it should be made clear that apart from false assumptions about matriculation , higher education should only have a small contribution to make to the range , standard and appositeness of 16+ and 18+ examination syllabuses and schemes of marking .
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