Example sentences of "[noun] should [vb infin] of " in BNC.

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1 His contention is that much of the slump in mainframe revenues has been mis-attributed to downsizing mania whereas the recession should take of the blame — delay in large capital projects gives the impression that mainframes are in more trouble then they actually are , he suggests .
2 These caches usually consist of single prey species , and if the predator does not return for them the resulting bone assemblage should consist of more or less complete skeletons from one or a limited number of species .
3 The club was reacting to a proposal by Glasgow Brightsiders that the Scottish men 's first division should consist of just six teams next season .
4 This warns that one of the leads to the keyboard must be twisted , and the user should beware of long component leads from the Spectrum 's PCB shorting out on the metal base .
5 It was agreed that parliament should consist of a national assembly , which would be responsible for the preparation and adoption of principal pieces of legislation and which would control the budget , and a senate , which would represent the regions and would have the power to review , refer and delay legislation .
6 The energy difference between the two terms is Δ , and so on this simple basis the electronic spectrum should consist of a single band whose energy gives Δ directly .
7 To be truly effective , the process of delegation should consist of four stages :
8 If dreams are wish-fulfilments , thirsty subjects should dream of quenching their thirsts and hungry subjects dream of eating .
9 The interview should comprise of open-ended questions to support and encourage the child in free recall .
10 On February 1st 1803 the committee decided that the medical establishment for the Bedford Infirmary should consist of one physician , two surgeons-in-ordinary , and one house surgeon/apothecary combined .
11 You must surely be right when you say in your editorial today ( ‘ Judging public mood ’ ) that judges should dispose of cases on their merits rather than , as Lord Chief Justice Taylor suggests , pass sentence with an eye to the public 's expectations .
12 Briefly , briefly tonight er Reynolds and Major issued this statement which said all those claiming a serious interest in advancing the cause of peace in Ireland should renounce of or support for violence if and when such a renunciation of violence has been made and sufficiently demonstrated , new doors could open , do you think the I R A might well respond positively to that ?
13 It was also said that if the bow should move of its own accord after it had been draped it was a bad omen .
14 It is a suggestion that every school should also be a farm ; that the school community should consist of people who are both teachers and farmers , and pupils and farmers . ’
15 The committee recommended that the curriculum in these two years should consist of a core and an elective area .
16 The willingness of the commons to grant the maltote in these years should dispose of the argument that they wished to see the tax abolished .
17 The basic examination should consist of : ( a ) an interview with frequent switching from language to language ; ( b ) an improvised short speech in the first language on a topic chosen at random , to assess general knowledge ; ( c ) non-technical information in one language to be rendered consecutively in a second language ; ( d ) translation from a text off-the-cuff .
18 Diet should consist of all types of worms , even the largest taking tubifex and bloodworm in vast quantities , or any of the other frozen meat-based foods are relished .
19 Ideally the netting team should consist of three people .
20 Moves towards the demonetization of gold went further when , under the second amendment to the articles of agreement in Jamaica in 1976 , it was agreed that the IMF should dispose of one-third of its gold holdings .
21 He proposed a regency council to uphold the validity of Frederick 's election until the heir should come of age .
22 Thus the term irony is used in something approaching its usual acceptance when Brooks associates it with Yeats 's appeal to the Greek sages in ‘ Sailing to That Yeats should speak of the ‘ artifice of eternity ’ evidently undermines in a sense the appearance of passion and sincerity with which he invokes the Greek sages , and thus can be said to bring about a kind of ironic reconciliation between his aspiration of a life free from Nature , and his rational awareness of his human limitations ( Brooks 1949 : 173 ) .
23 Now there 's a title which says what it is , but booksellers should beware of Longman 's Think Ahead to First certificate where the sequel ( Think First Certificate ) was published first .
24 Indeed the contingency approach to organisations would argue that , depending upon the dominant activity , an organisation should consist of different sub-cultures reflecting different activities .
25 In preparation for the interview , the braggart should think of all the uncomfortable , difficult questions he or she might be asked and set about preparing honest answers to them .
26 André Breton , self-styled ‘ pope ’ of the surrealist movement , contrasted a high modernist aesthetic in which all art would be based on a musical model with the surrealist ( and , in the present context , postmodern ) idea that all art should partake of a visual mode .
27 In 1911 it required that one-third of all boarding-out committees should consist of women , for their assumed superior sensitivity to children 's needs , and that relieving officers should no longer supervise boarded-out children , thus removing such children from direct stigmatizing contact with the official administration of the Poor Law .
28 With sports coverage on television becoming increasingly competitive , the BBC should beware of resting on its laurels .
29 Of course , the inevitable questions of what that foundation should consist of and when it should be built are answered by the claim that the period of initial training is too short and therefore such knowledge must be provided earlier by the academic course or later by in-service courses .
30 Teams should consist of four people and each one should pledge at least £100 or £25 per person , to be raised through sponsorship or a straight donation .
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