Example sentences of "[noun] may [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In Fig. 1 , for example , it will be seen that if the front of the vault is not correctly placed , the size of the brow ridges and degree of frontal recession may be unduly accentuated .
2 The implication for arts organisations of a ban may be similarly grim .
3 … the position of upper-class housewife may be much more highly valued in the overall structure than the position of lower-class housewife .
4 Not all the views may be as pleasurable as that of North Oxfordshire but the history of at least part of the English landscape can be seen from all of them whether it be the story of the development of a north London suburb , seen by a student from a garret window in Stoke Newington , the growth of a medieval town viewed by a young man from the upper windows of an eighteenth-century house in the centre of Lichfield , Staffordshire , or the development of a Cambridgeshire village in front of an ageing civil servant from a study in a 1960s neo-Georgian estate house .
5 Issues relating to the counsellor 's own personal and family life will need to have been processed thoroughly because counselling other people has to be impartial ( rather than be affected by issues in the counsellor 's own personal life ) and because the counsellor himself or herself may become unsettled when an issued being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor 's personal experience .
6 Confusing : A sufferer may be highly intelligent , have a responsible job , be very caring and concerned for his or her family and yet still be drawn by this compulsion to use his or her drug of choice and , as a result , progressively to destroy everything of value .
7 He finds a means of using the language of both physical experience and Scripture in an anagogical sense whereby mystical experience may be both recognised and shared by those to whom it is known , and to some extent desired , because imagined , by others less involved .
8 It would also discuss how general experience may be potentially seen as religious experience .
9 It turns out now that reality is coming to countries all over western Europe , and although I 'm s I 'm sorry to see the difficulties that our colleagues and friends in western Europe are having erm they are beginning to realize that one or two aspirations of the so social contracts may be extremely expensive .
10 Close-coupled double-symphonic suites are quieter still in operation and a change over to a modern suite may be well worth considering .
11 Mr Levitt may be more inclined than his predecessor , Richard Breeden , to prod the conclusions of Market 2000 ( an SEC study of American equity markets , now nearing completion ) towards keeping regulations that protect auction markets .
12 If you are small and unknown , a firm of consultants acting on your behalf or using its existing knowledge base may be more realistic .
13 Such mental attitudes may be wholly unconscious and are difficult , if not impossible , to eliminate .
14 It was also observed that eight individual delivery times for early and rare books exceeded one-and-a-half hours , and that three-quarters of these occurred between 12.00 and 13.00 , which suggests that the increase in delivery times at lunch-time may be even greater for such material than for ‘ ordinary ’ books .
15 Although the development of social skills may be somewhat impaired by the degree of mental handicap , this does not generally represent a major problem .
16 Strong attitudes may have formed by then and teaching of avoidance skills may be too late to immunise children effectively against the pressures to smoke .
17 The truth is that reporters are constantly swapping jobs and assignments and that your contacts may be away when you most need them .
18 The nemesis for this pure empiricism is that some ‘ megatrends ’ may be greatly exaggerated ; the outcome of some social and political conflicts may be wrongly estimated and some ‘ megatrends ’ may be omitted altogether , if they do not happen to slot into the chosen classification system .
19 For Hutchison 's managing director , and other investors in Hong Kong , such shifts suggest that a prolonged power struggle may be underway .
20 Skin may be alternately hot and dry or perspiring .
21 In an educational application , the user may be firmly channelled by the controlling software into pathways that suit the particular didactic purpose of the application .
22 In countries where there is a large degree of regulation of the terms of employment by the state , the role of collective bargaining may be correspondingly reduced .
23 To a stranger the smell may be more obvious .
24 What can be said about fluoride is that at concentrations of even less than one part per million ( the official dose ) it can cause toxic reactions in sensitive people and recent reassessments of the fluoridation scene suggest that this measure may be much more harmful to health than has been hitherto realized .
25 Magazine profiles may be carefully written and prepared , though their facts are unlikely to be as thoroughly checked as in books .
26 Products may be adversely affected by exposure to atmospheric humidity but if this happens in the product in its sales pack , it indicates that the pack provides inadequate protection from the atmosphere .
27 The number of changes is too great to catalogue here , but one , in particular , is worthy of mention — liquid assets , which in some cases may be either fixed or current .
28 Combining both cases may be also useful for checking the consistency of both orders by superimposition and comparison of them .
29 My own studies of export oriented zones in China ( Sklair , forthcoming ) , Egypt ( 1988c ) , Mexico ( 1989 ) , and Ireland ( 1988b ) , suggest that backward and forward linkages tend to be very meagre , and these cases may be rather more typical of the Third World as a whole than the relatively highly developed enclave , Singapore .
30 That does not mean , however , that legal challenge is unimportant as part of a broader political strategy canvassing for change , only that the indirect effects of test cases may be more significant than any direct changes in the law brought about by them .
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