Example sentences of "[noun] may [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Its practical object is to gain access to certain documents disclosed by the Police Complaints Authority ( ‘ P.C.A. ’ ) by order of this court for use in a criminal appeal , so that C.N.L. may use them in the libel action .
2 Furthermore , while these " blankouts " may distress other people , the primary sufferer may find them confusing but may go so far in denial as to accuse other people of having faulty memory for the things said or done while he or she was in a " blankout " .
3 These accounts may therefore imply that , as language strengthens its hold on consciousness and , through writing , on the explicit world of knowledge , objects may retain their place in the ordering of the unconscious world .
4 His experience may tell him that it may be unnecessary or inappropriate in the circumstances , but failure to take one may become visible to headquarters .
5 Indeed like having children , the experience may bring you eyeball to eyeball with some of the thoroughly unpleasant aspects of your own personality .
6 Certain forms of writing , such as academic articles , extend this even further and writers are required to develop skills in explicitness , and in being aware of hidden assumptions , so that readers who have not directly had the writer 's experience may understand it .
7 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
8 Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts .
9 If you ca n't , but would n't mind keeping the draft till you 're in Prague ( it 's good for six months ) , it may be less of a hassle cashing it there , especially as the bank in Brno may charge you something for the transaction .
10 The rapid rise may suggest he is wedded to the bank .
11 As there were signs of some useful action by the Government on cold weather payments , I believe that the struggle may avail something , so it may be worth pursuing the point .
12 The ONTAP ERIC file includes a set of presearched questions of varying difficulty , so that the user may compare his/her results with those of an expert .
13 If , after filtering the clones , a probe having more than 2 ( N — 1 ) neighbours is found , it is reported as a ‘ suspect ’ one and the user may remove it from the analysis and repeat the procedure .
14 If writing on an electronic tablet , which combines the input and display devices , the user may find it disconcerting to see the handwriting changing under their pen . )
15 Production staff must be conscious that how they build products may affect its EMC performance ; service engineers , likewise , must be sure that they do not compromise EMC once products are in the field ; the purchasing department must be aware that EMC constraints placed on suppliers may make a component more expensive to buy , but will probably save money when the end product is tested as a whole ; and the marketing and sales department must plan to sell the advantage which EMC brings to a product .
16 Some of this money may find its way back to building societies , which can then lend it out again to other customers .
17 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
18 If you invest here , your money may lose its value , your products can not be reliably priced for trade across Europe ; you may face high transaction costs ; and you may not get the full benefits of a single market . ’
19 LEFT Dogs of all different types and ages may find themselves abandoned , and in need of good homes .
20 Mr Beregovoy may claim he has nothing to reproach himself for , but his acceptance of an interest-free one million franc ( £125,000 ) loan from a shady businessman looks suspicious to say the least .
21 This is particularly dangerous because the weight and drag of the second cable may make it difficult to get the nose down .
22 Furthermore , cable may make it possible for people to interchange information on a rapid two-way basis .
23 Employers may employ their own valuers to determine house prices in different areas to assess payments under an excess mortgage allowance scheme .
24 Practice nurses working in GPs surgeries or working for small scale employers may find themselves subject to tougher negotiation .
25 Some employers may encourage you to start with fewer hours than you think you can manage , with the intention of adding to these as you gain more confidence .
26 Julia Hailes may sip her coffee from a Greenpeace mug and talk of the need for eventual radical environmental legislation , but dark green persons suspect Hailes and her green consumerism of complacency .
27 Hardship and discontent may declare themselves there , in a victim 's revenge .
28 If you 're unlucky enough to have a machine that goes wrong regularly , a service contract may save you hundreds of pounds .
29 Both parties to the contract may have their own terms , and each may wish to contract on its own terms .
30 The courts may recognize them , but the courts have no power to enforce them .
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