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1 And the dam is turf Ed on the land ward side to give it the appearance of a gently sloping field .
2 The company says the deal gives it the opportunity to distribute financial information to clients ' branch offices by using their own hardware and networks .
3 The first flowering plant I saw was a familiar one — the purple mountain saxifrage , Saxafraga oppositifolia to give it the scientific name .
4 Acutely embarrassed by this unexpected disclosure , the British government hastily added a clause to the 1911 Official Secrets Act giving it the right to see copies of all cables if an emergency existed .
5 Its flattened face and its long , soft fur give it the rounded appearance of a ‘ super-baby ’ , appealing to many humans .
6 Passage of the new measure ( which had already been approved by the Senate in September 1989 ) precipitated an unprecedented constitutional crisis because of King Baudouin 's refusal to give it the royal assent .
7 This neatly matches the region 's external debt and , says David Forrest — underwriting director of the London-based political risk insurer EIGA — ‘ we have to encourage investors to give it the ability to earn the foreign exchange to repay that debt . ’
8 Indeed , the DLP 's control of two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly gave it the option of amending the Constitution of the Sixth Republic from a presidential to a Cabinet-based system .
9 Unbeknown to all , though , Harry 's bird arrived in Lisbon in 1975 , where it 's Swiss owners gave it the wrong name a nom-de-plume if you like .
10 Its poised , out-thrust head gave it the appearance of a cobra , a white cobra .
11 Though the picture again promotes Bowler 's husky good looks , it is a less openly sensual work than the earlier Portrait , its greater formality giving it the air of a grand public statement .
12 of general practitioners gave it the thumbs down .
13 The double X gives it the chance to be red and black , while the Y gives it male characteristics .
14 I thought , I mean I , the fire people gave it the all clear .
15 Several papers report on Goldie the goldfish which was apparently brought back from the dead when its owner gave it the kiss of life and poured whisky down its throat .
16 A teaching profession with a better understanding and a wider knowledge of educational research would be more able to question those who indulge in ‘ jargon ’ and also have a solid base from which to put forward their views which , whether rightly or wrongly , still rely too heavily on intuitive feel for what is happening , and I feel confident that the STRN can help bring this about if Scottish teachers give it the support it deserves .
17 If CERN 's members give it the go-ahead , it will be ready sooner than the SSC , for which it will be the only competitor .
18 They had an interest in playing golf together so specifically formed a society giving it the name of the road they happened to be in at the time — Worple Way , Harrow .
19 The voluntary hospital , the Infirmary , was specifically designed to care for the sick , and its relative freedom from the constraints associated with spending public money gave it the advantage over the sick wards at the workhouse .
20 However , the judge also rejected BNFL 's arguments that Greenpeace did not have sufficient direct interest in the matter to give it the locus standi ( or recognised legal status ) to appeal to the court for a judicial review .
21 Well you call it a run-on line and you call it an enjambement line to give it the French term .
22 Then run the brush under the lower , outer eye corner to give it the slightest definition .
23 I 'd have been in it and in those bars in Gibraltar giving it the big lips by last night . ’
24 Physics is interesting in having connotations of both : as a physical science , its discoveries ( and the skills it gives to its graduates ) have obvious uses for industry ; while its status as a ‘ pure ’ rather than an ‘ applied ’ science gives it the appearance of being removed from the uses to which it may be put .
25 Its habit of growing in dense tufts gives it the appearance of grass growing under water .
26 It 's not always easy to compare like with like , as some makers give pto power at rated ( =maximum governed ) engine rpm while others give it the revs equivalent to unc shaft speed(s) .
27 ‘ But the Secretary of State is not in a position to give it the go-ahead at the moment and the companies involved will be worried .
28 Afterwards , it can be tidied around with heavier and more direct pastel to give it the definition it would otherwise lack .
29 This ability of homoeopathy to go back into a patient 's medical history gives it the edge over orthodox drugs which only mask the problem .
30 Woodworm and beetle infestation makes much of it unsuitable for structural work but treated and cleaned up with an adze to give it the right period look , much of it could be put to good decorative effect .
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