Example sentences of "[noun] think [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In her early childhood , a threepenny piece had seemed like a fortune , whereas Félix Verveine 's rich clients thought nothing of paying 3,000 francs to be dressed by him .
2 All of them were aware of their role and did n't seem to mind too much that their peers thought them to be crazy .
3 The British Rail employee thought nothing of it .
4 He saw he had made Malm think him of unsound mind and he said quietly , earnestly , " There was nothing , nothing but what I 've told you . "
5 Sympathy for the predicament in which the New Bradwell folk thought themselves to be , spread round the district .
6 But he was far from the political revolutionary which many observers thought him to be and as adapt at cooling the passions of the men as he was at arousing them .
7 ( 180 ) … and seek to express ourselves as we are , and not as we would have our friend to think us to be .
8 To make people think someone in the Martin family was the informer .
9 If the Pharisees and Scribes thought themselves to be so perfect that they were not aware of their own sin then little could be done for them .
10 In the British Social Attitudes Survey of 1988 , 90 per cent of people thought there to be less respect for teachers amongst parents and pupils than 10 years ago .
11 Now a lot of people think something like that
12 People think nothing of it nowadays , topless sort of thing .
13 It flattered his vanity to think himself in love with me ; it also gave him , I believe , some unadmitted pleasure constantly to long for my flesh and yet always to forbid himself the attaining of it : to deny himself was just as exciting as to indulge himself .
14 Their common lot was fierce parental discipline , even a man of a warm and kindly nature such as Samuel Pepys thought nothing of beating his 15-year-old maid with a broomstick , and locking her up for the night in his cellar , or whipping his boy-servant , or even boxing his clerk 's ears .
15 The appointment of Valuev was not quite the retrograde step that some contemporaries thought it to be .
16 Walkers who would not dare stroll half a mile in inner cities thought nothing of walking 190 miles across the fells , dales and moors from St Bee 's in Cumbria to Robin Hood 's Bay in North Yorkshire .
17 So poor Ben thought What on earth have I done ?
18 The grunt was expressive , and Patrick immediately knew what sort of friend the man thought him to be .
19 It is disappointing that so few teachers thought it worth attending to express their views either on the resolutions put forward or to raise other matters .
20 No pilot thought thee worth his pains
21 Nourse LJ thought it worth mentioning Lord Blackburn 's comment , based on Blackstone , that ‘ the sheriff also was bound to raise the hue and cry , and call out the posse comitatus of the county whenever it was necessary for any police purposes ; in so doing he was acting for the Crown ’ .
22 At first , Ackroyd thought nothing about it , but he saw him again the following Saturday at about the same time .
23 The dominant factor is that A thought it worth his while to make the promise to B in order that he should feel more certain that B would do the thing bargained for , and we can see no reason in general why A , having got what he wanted , should be allowed to evade his promise .
24 Other studies have also shown that many teachers express stereotyped and often contradictory generalizations about black pupils , with some teachers tending to regard Afro-Caribbean pupils as lazy and withdrawn while others thought them to be aggressive and disruptive ; a common stereotype of Asian pupils among teachers is that they are passive and industrious but they and their parents are over-ambitious ( Brittan , 1976 ; Giles , 1977 ; Verma , 1982 ; Lee and Wrench , 1983 ; Swann , 1985 ; Eggleston et al . ,
25 In the other match , Jonathan Speelman claimed a time-out , taking a break in order to think himself into the right frame of mind to fight his way back into the match .
26 Major routes were cart-tracks and marauding bandits and unscrupulous innkeepers thought nothing of robbery and murder .
27 Ghislaine Maxwell thought nothing of blowing £2,500 on a no-expense-spared trip to the States at the weekend .
28 … the working class think nothing of getting married on the dole .
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