Example sentences of "[noun] come [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I have nonetheless determined to deliver a short judgment because it seems to me that there are lessons to be learned from this case which , I am told by Mr. Tyzak , is the first case to come before this particular bench under the Children Act 1989 .
2 but I mean he 's a millionaire , and that 's how , I mean this is the difference between probably between him and Joe , I mean he do n't depend on money to come into this
3 ‘ But the head and the Hand of Glory come from that poor hag .
4 Well , we 're anxious that there is n't an escalation of this crisis , that it may be dealed with as Brigadier Harbottle has written in a letter to the Guardian today , dealt with , er more through first of all an attempt by the Arab nations to come to some agreement amongst themselves and agreement which will satisfy them and be a more long-lasting one .
5 The principal new result to come from this work is that bright-point flares are often associated with increased emission in much larger structures .
6 ‘ It is unladylike for such words to come from such a beautiful mouth . ’
7 Which would you recommend , as I would not want any harm to come to either fish ?
8 Although it is only necessary to show an element of bounty to come within these provisions now , this case is important and taxpayers should bear it in mind when they are carrying out any reorganisation of share capital .
9 But I chose the wrong time when prices were depressed and there was n't a great deal to come after all the expenses were paid .
10 But by this time he realised that the best opportunities came to those who kept their feet on the ground — not their heads in the clouds .
11 The heads of various departments , foremen and other key workers were recruited from just across the county boundary in Sheffield and south Yorkshire ; the rest of the labour force came from many parts of Britain and Ireland .
12 Much of Sir Charles Irving 's personal vote came from these areas , where many know of his extraordinary personal kindness .
13 The boys were waiting to cross the road here and the horse came down this lane , galloped straight across the road in front of the traffic then onto the pavement , tried to jump over the boys and jumped onto the boys .
14 Remember how many goals came from that partnership on the right .
15 I was absolutely delighted , colleagues , when the , er , recommendation came through that Eric should be awarded the gold badge because I could personally testify that there can be no better winner or holder of the G M gold badge .
16 There was some policemen from Cambridge County and they were handpicked , two brothers came among that little group , and they each weighed over twenty stone , these two brothers , and of course everybody referred to them , as the two tinies .
17 Inevitably the industry came under some pressure from the Government to control this burgeoning demand from domestic consumers , without which the capacity crisis would have been a good deal less serious .
18 I looked at a block of sun on the platform where the light came through some missing roofing .
19 Further along the landing light came from another room .
20 It has no emotional effect upon the reader because it does n't show how the poet came to these conclusions .
21 Many of the graphite pits were in the Western and Southern Provinces , and a large proportion of miners who worked in other districts came from these areas .
22 Real fear came on those who thought they were abandoned .
23 Strong opposition came from former socialists within the JD who argued that the idea was contrary to the party 's founding principles [ see p. 37004 ] .
24 Further opposition came from those who , no matter how much they might desire British association with their ambitions , saw a free trade area as a retrograde step , and feared its adverse effect upon the ultimate goal of political unity .
25 Many traders , dockers and railwaymen came into these towns which grew rapidly at this time .
26 no , I , there 's get , a little confusion coming into this case I think , I 'm not blaming anybody , as I understand your case Mr as put to er as put to Mr , you have expressly disavowed any suggestion to this witness that there was any deliberate attempt to deceive any prospective purchaser
27 ‘ I must have her , I 've got that man from Milan who wants to do business with Belmodes coming in this morning .
28 And I know there are speakers coming on that know far more about the N H S than I do , so I 'm not gon na go on too long .
29 was in the paper about the other car coming along that one .
30 After being seen whizzing out of the doors of a rink , he had to skate at speed along a footpath of the common , round a spiral pedestrian walkway , on to a road , grab the back of a passing bus , let go , cut across a main road between cars coming in both directions , go across another road — between the wheels of a moving articulated lorry — and end up in a babywear shop , somersaulting into a cot .
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