Example sentences of "[noun] when she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 THE Duchess of York yesterday left cancer-stricken Polish children lost for words when she handed out copies of her Budgie books in English .
2 She caught Urquhart 's glance when she looked up , a musing and erotic stare that swerved away .
3 She publicly commented on the rift when she spoke to newspaper columnist Jean Rook : ‘ I 'm absolutely sick of the ‘ Wicked Stepmother ’ lark .
4 BABY-SITTER Joyce Cotton had to call the fire brigade when she got stuck in her own front room after putting her twin grandchildren to bed upstairs .
5 Described as " quiet , genteel and beautiful — a real aristocrat " Maria can only have compounded her family 's displeasure when she eloped with a volatile Irish sheep shearer .
6 The Princess 's face went a little pink when she heard this .
7 Harriet had climbed them and had her key in the lock when she heard footsteps on the path behind her and a male voice called : ‘ Excuse me ! ’
8 Christopher was a slight child , with rather too thin arms and legs , and little flat wrists which always gave Carolyn a stab of apprehensive fear when she noticed them .
9 In fact once submerged they had to find a red rod and drag themselves along it to the other side of the stage ; more than one mother screamed in fear when she saw the show .
10 It was n't fear ; Robbie knew fear when she saw it .
11 This could be the case , for example , in Conversation F-1 where Valerie assumes a Creole-speaking persona when she expresses irritation .
12 I think she was having a joke at my expense when she did it . ’
13 In fact , she will have to carve her own niche when she gets there and discover where she can be most useful at Dalek Hospital , where the unit is based , without treading on anyone else 's toes .
14 So were you born here moved to Malton , moved back here and then moved to Malton or you were here and they you moved to Malton when she lived there ?
15 She was overcome with emotion when she discovered it had been well cared for .
16 As she entered the villa , her heart thudded with abrupt violence when she saw that Damian Flint was still there , in the living-room , playing chess with Charles .
17 ‘ They say she 's very susceptible , ’ Gloria explained to Mrs Parvis when she went to borrow an extra shilling for the meter to light the gas fire in the basement room .
18 The men had disappeared from the top of the scaffolding when she emerged into the street again .
19 Damn it , she wailed silently , if he could do this to her with a mere glance , what might he have achieved last night if she had n't found the strength to conclude that little episode when she did ?
20 She watched him get the pony ready , learning all the time so that she would be able to harness it herself in future when she wanted to drive out in Nahum 's absence .
21 Her work was recognised at Crufts when she won the breed rescue section of the Rescue Personality Of The Year Award , put together by Pet Plan and Dog World .
22 On one occasion , Du Camp records , ‘ Flaubert was leaving Paris for Rouen when she entered the waiting-room of the station and went through such tragic scenes that the railway officials were obliged to interfere .
23 Leith was reversing her car when she spotted the Jaguar which she had first seen — grief , was it only yesterday morning ?
24 Replete in a small guilty elation , she was on her way back to the car when she met Robert .
25 She wo n't just stay in the car , she wo n't want to stay in the car when she wakes up cos that 's too boring .
26 Her reflections were interrupted by Dora , whom she had vaguely noticed rummaging in the boot of their car when she arrived and who now came striding towards them .
27 They were half-way to the car when she found she 'd left something behind and went back in a flurry of carrier bags and magazines .
28 DR ALBAN met his girlfriend when she tried some clothes on in his Stockholm boutique …
29 Kid must want to be a Disney cartoon villainess when she grows up .
30 When you 're fighting and hating each other anyway , it must be nice for the chick when she turns out to have the law batting for her .
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